

Energy for a Net Zero Society – Comments on Energy Policy

The UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) presidency provides an opportunity to drive further action and change in policy. The UK was the first ma...

Energy Innovation: BEIS £505m programme – lessons learned and setting future priorities

The BEIS £505m Energy Innovation Programme was established in 2015 to run over a 5 year period to 2021. Its objective is to accelerate the development of ener...

What do regional energy systems operators look like in a net zero world?

This paper will present the preliminary findings from a two-year Innovate UK-funded project to design a regional energy system operator (RESO) model for the Cit...

Blockchain Based Energy Trading: Regulatory Changes Proposed and Needed to Facilitate Blockchain in the GB Energy Market

Blockchain is one the most exciting new technologies to be developed in recent years, and in the energy sector it could revolutionise the way we produce, and bu...

UK Heat Networks: The prospects of decarbonisation through developing a heat marketplace

As active energy consumers of today we need to re-think how we source our heat in our homes and businesses simply by questioning ourselves how this can be done ...

Democracy and Electricity: Institutions, Industrial Representation and Technology Deployment Rates

It is widely agreed that significant emissions cuts need to be undertaken in the electricity sector to meet the targets adopted in the Paris Agreement (IPCC 201...

Decision support tool for improving energy and environmental performance of public sector multi-energy systems

The public sector consumes 6% of the UK’s energy, spends around £2 billion per annum on its energy bill and is expected by the UK Government to lead the de-c...

Regulatory sandboxes in the energy sector: are they key to the transition to a net zero future?

Regulatory sandboxes are becoming a popular policy tool. They can play a key role in allowing for experimentation with new business models and roles enabled by ...

Comparative assessment of electrification and low carbon gases for decarbonising heating in buildings

Comparative assessment of electrification and low carbon gases for decarbonising heating in buildings Pooya Hoseinpoori, Sustainable Gas Institute & Cent...

Local Values & Business Models: a look at energy services

New business models for energy service provision will be important to the Net Zero transition: they can help to improve effective delivery of energy services, w...

Options and costs of using hydrogen for heating

Converting the UK gas networks to deliver low-carbon hydrogen has moved from an academic concept (Dodds & Demoullin, 2013) to become the subject of major resear...

The role of hydrogen in meeting UK’s net-zero target by 2050

The UK has set the ambitious target of bringing all greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050. This will require substantial decarbonisation across the energ...
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