

Transforming industrial clusters with CCUS and Hydrogen

Ruth Herbert, Chief Executive, Carbon Capture and Storage Association at Policy Conference 2022

Where are we now?

Gillian Cooper, Head of Energy Policy, Citizens Advice at Policy Conference 2022

A History of Energy and Societal Scenarios for a World in Transition: Fifty Years of Personal Experience with Shell and Other Organisations

Perspective A History of Energy and Societal Scenarios for a World in Transition: Fifty Years of Personal Experience with Shell and Other Organisations Michae...

A ‘one size fits all’ won’t work for heat decarbonisation

Heat decarbonisation is one of the biggest challenges facing the UK in terms of meeting net zero. The reason that it is so difficult is that it involves making ...

Green Lairds and the great carbon offset: how to reconcile natural capital, net-zero and just transition priorities?

Listen HERE An expert panel discusses the trends for large-scale land purchases for carbon offsetting in Scotland, what is driving these trends, and what the...

bp Energy Energy Outlook 2022

Richard de Caux bp Energy Outlook 2022 Focus on the energy transition has intensified in recent years. How might this increase in global ambition affect t...

UKERC/ BIEE Webinar: Green Jobs

This webinar hosted in conjunction with UKERC will present key findings and policy recommendations arising from UKERC’s latest project exploring low carbon en...

Future of Energy Lecture – Heating goes electric: Why heat pumps will become mainstream soon

Greg Jackson, Octopus Energy The pace of decarbonisation needs to accelerate in the face of climate change. The UK is aiming to reach Net Zero by 2050 but al...

BIEE Webinar: Behavioural economics, energy and climate policy: Lessons from the last three decades

Professor Luis Mundaca, Lund University There has been growing scientific and policy attention on the role of behavioural economics to advance energy and clima...

BIEE Conference 2021: Energy for a Net Zero Society – Keynote & Plenary Speaker Presentations

BIEE Conference 2021: Energy for a Net Zero Society - Keynote & Plenary Speaker Presentations.

The Impact of Digital Technologies on OECD Energy Demand

Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) offer many opportunities for energy saving, such as optimising energy use in buildings and industrial processe...

Addressing the socio-economic disparities of net zero transition

The European transition to a net-zero economy by 2050 implies a wide range of changes which will be unevenly distributed across industrial sectors, communities ...
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