

Innovation Policy: Influences on proportion of electricity generated by nuclear power around the world

D. Toke, Birmingham University The association between various variables and the proportion of electricity generated from nuclear power in countries around the...

Innovation Policy: The Sailing Ship Effect and its Potential Influence on Energy Transitions and Policy

Peter Pearson, Imperial College The (contested) hypothesis of the Sailing Ship Effect (hereafter SSE) suggests that for some technologies the advent of a new a...

Innovation Policy: Corporate Strategy and Technological Innovation Systems: Integrating Individual Agency into the systems’ approach

Till Stenzl, Imperial College Recent contributions in the literature have criticized the Innovation Systems approach for neglecting individual agency and overl...

Innovation Policy: Ofgem, distributed generation and innovation: Recent Initiatives

Bridget Woodman, Warwick Business School Increasing levels of distributed generation are expected to connect to distribution networks in the UK over the next f...

Geopolitics: Writing Petropolitics: The Poverty of Geo-Political Analysis

Iain Grant, Dalhousie University, Canada There are sub-fields of Political Science that have devoted valuable attention to the oil and gas trade – Comparativ...

Geopolitics: Commitments through Financial Options: A Way to Facilitate Compliance with Climate Change Obligations

Karsten Neuhoff, University of Cambridge This paper has shown that states can overcome both the internal and the external commitment problem and thus credibly ...

Geopolitics: Understanding Gazprom

Nicholas Perry, PES Ltd Russian military doctrine would encourage Gazprom to ‘think in 4-D’, to move swiftly, unexpectedly, and on multiple axes, to ‘con...

Geopolitics: The New Security Environment for European Gas: Worsening Geopolitics and Increasing Global Competition for LNG

Jonathan Stern, Oxford Energy Institute The combination of impending decline of indigenous production, political and institutional obstacles to gas export de...

High Energy Prices and the World Economy

Christopher Allsopp, Oxford Energy Institute The relationship between energy prices and the world economy is examined. World growth has been strong and benign ...

Student Marketplace: Impact on distribution losses of changing the domestic single-rate demand profile

R. Shaw, University of Surrey  

Transport: The demand for gasoline in Japan to 2020 and new car fuel efficiency

David Bonilla, University of Cambridge Japanese private vehicle fuel efficiency has not improved significantly since 1989. The objective of the paper is to pre...

Transport: Structural differences in the economics of contrasting approaches to urban H2 infrastructure development for transport

David Joffe, University of Cambridge If hydrogen vehicles are to be deployed, an infrastructure must be developed to supply the hydrogen and refuel the vehicles...
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