

Delivering Zero Carbon Electricity

Richard Smith, National Grid By 2020, the expectation is that around 20% of the UK’s energy will come from electricity, 40% from gas and 40% from oil. By 205...

Clean Energy Investment Trends in 2011

Benjamin Kafri, Bloomberg New Energy Finance Global energy investment in clean energy has increased from around $52bn in 2004 to $243bn in 2010 including: tech...

The Role of Biofuels in Transport

James Primrose, BP Biofuels There are a range of factors that impact on the effectiveness of different fuel use in transport, with liquid fuels generally being...

Transport 2050: the potential role of hydrogen

Professor Paul Ekins, UCL Bearing in mind that transport is part of the wider energy system, scenarios and models to 2050 can help examine a range of potential...

Decarbonising heat: is electricity the answer?

Michel Colombier, IDDRI An overview of the role of electricity in providing heat within the domestic sector in France, suggests that it has had a growing role ...

Is the future electric? A utility perspective

Rufus Ford, SSE Electricity demand scenarios to 2050 from UKERC, DECC, OFGEM, the CCC and others, show a wide range of possible different total demands across ...

Pathways to a low carbon economy – the role of natural gas and biofuels

Ben Taylor, Shell To 2050 there is an expectation of rising energy demand, increasing supply pressure and growing impacts from climate change. Shell’s respon...

The 4th Carbon Budget and beyond – an electric future?

Adrian Gault,  The CCC The 2050 UK emission reduction target requires more than an 80% reduction in energy related CO2. The 4th carbon budget sets out the cha...

Decarbonising the UK Energy Market

 Jonathan Brearley, DECC DECC’s objective is to achieve secure, low carbon, affordable electricity; whilst meeting the UK targets for renewable energy and c...

Impact of Phosphates on the global trade in food and energy 2011

Babak Madadi, Centre for Global Strategic Analysis Discuses the triangular trade in food, fertilizer and fuel, and the importance of phosphates across these, f...

Advanced Bioethanol production Biofuels 2011

Graham Rice, INEOS Bio The INEOS Bio company and technology portfolio are described, discussing different pathways to bioethanol production (hydrolysis, gasifi...

UK Biofuels industry overview 2011

Ann Cormack, Xynteo An overview of Xynteo and The Global Leadership & Technology Exchange is provided. The global picture for biofuels is discussed in rela...
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