

Estimating Direct and Indirect Rebound Effects for UK Households

Dr Mona Chitnis, University of Surrey Policymakers expect improved energy efficiency to play a key role in reducing GHG emissions. However, the energy and emis...

A review of current and future costs and benefits of demand response for electricity for the UK

Mr Peter Bradley, University of Surrey Demand response can play a key role in bringing about a low carbon electricity system and more efficient allocation and ...

Green Deal and the Energy Company Obligation – will it work?

Mr Jan Rosenow, Oxford University, Environmental Change Institute The current UK energy efficiency policy context is very fluid with a number of new policies d...

A nuclear renaissance for Europe?

Professor Gordon MacKerron, SPRU, University of Sussex The conference agenda asks, among other things, where Europe will get its long-term energy supplies, and...

Political Shocks and Efficient Investment in Electricity Markets

Professor Felix Muesgens, Brandenburg University of Technology Investment decisions in electricity markets are driven by different factors: (expectations of) f...

Is there still merit in the merit order stack? The impact of dynamic constraints on optimal plant mix

Dr Iain Staffell, Imperial College London The UK faces ever more challenging questions in terms of its energy policy: • What are the consequences of adding ...

Is Green Healthy for Competition? Renewable Technologies, Optimal Generation Mix and Price Volatility in Competitive Electricity Markets

Professor Asher Tishler, Faculty of Management, Tel Aviv University This paper presents a two-stage decision model with endogenous capacity and operations to a...

BP Statistical Review of World Energy

Each June BP  publishes  the annual data that has been collected on the world’s energy markets, to assess what has happened this last year and how last year...

Is Energy Efficiency Sustainable?

Malcolm Keay, OIES This presentation looks at the links between energy efficiency and sustainability and concludes that they are much more complex than they mi...

Energy Challenges of our time

Dr. Fatih Birol, IEA March Global challenges and trends in energy use, supply and carbon emissions are outlined. Headline trends include; decreasing global ene...

Household energy bills – impacts of meeting carbon budgets

Mike Thompson, Committee on Climate Change The Climate Change Act requires the CCC to consider the impact of carbon budgets on energy supplies and fuel poverty...

Which – Consumer Bills and Energy Policy

Dr Louise Strong, Senior Policy Advisor Energy is currently a key policy issue for Which? and recent survey data has indicated that energy costs are a high con...
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