

UK Carbon Plan

The Carbon Plan published in December 2011, sets out the Government's plans for achieving the emissions reductions committed to in the first four carbon budgets...

The small scale feed-in tariff in Great Britain : its role in electricity system transition

Mr Jimmy Aldridge, University of Exeter The feed-in tariff for small-scale low-carbon generation was introduced across GB in April 2010 and has resulted in the...

Exploring policies for the transition towards electric vehicles

In order to meet the target of 450 ppm CO2-equivalent by 2050, a minimum of 50% energy-related GHG emission reduction needs to be achieved globally. The transpo...

Investigating possible bias issues arising from improper use of the internal rate of return when used for decision-making on renewable energy technology investments

Ms Tanja Groth, Aarhus University/Stirling.DK ApS The internal rate of return (IRR) is, together with net present value (NPV), the most commonly used investmen...

Effects of Utilisation in Real-time on Electricity Capacity Assessments

Mr Alasdair Bruce, University of Edinburgh If significant decarbonisation of the electricity sector progresses, it is expected that a large proportion of the e...

The Resource Curse Hypothesis Re-visited – Evidence using Heterogeneos Panel Analysis

Mr Mahmud Suleiman, University of Surrey The apparent notion that natural resource abundance leads to lower growth performance has attracted much attention in ...

The role of China in the Future of Global Gas Market Developments

Miss Yichi Zhang, University of Cambridge Being the world second-largest economy as well as the second-largest consumer of hydrocarbons, China has seen its ene...

Empirical Analysis of Dynamic Efficiency and Innovation in Power Distribution Networks: The Case of Norway

Mr Rahmatallah Poudineh, Heriot-Watt University Following the liberalisation of the electricity market in Norway since the early 1998, the focus of regulator w...

Identifying Uncertainty in Energy System Models

Mr Will Usher, UCL Energy Institute The rapidly maturing field of energy system modelling integrates disciplines that operate under fundamentally different ass...

A panel model for predicting the diversity of internal temperatures from English dwellings

Mr Scott Kelly, University of Cambridge Using panel methods, a model for predicting daily mean internal temperature demand across a heterogeneous domestic buil...

European Electricity Co-operation: The Role of Import and Export in CO2 Reduction

Miss Kwanruetai Boonyasana, The University of Leicester In order to limit global warming and avoid the devastating effects of climate change, the European Comm...

The UK Accelerated Innovation System for Energy: A critical review and a commentary

Dr Mark Winskel, Edinburgh University and UK Energy Research Centre Technological innovation offers a compelling promise as an enabler of energy system change....
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