

Market Failures and Failures of Intervention

Graham Shuttleworth, Director,  NERA

The Importance of the Demand Side

Malcolm Keay OIES

Policy Instruments:From Why to How

John Rhys OIES

BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2013

The BP  Statistical Review of  World Energy 2012 was published  on June 12th  2013  and can be downloaded  from  the BP Website.  The statistics  show ...

Reducing the UK Carbon Footprint

Kavita Srinivasan . The CCC Secretariat . Whilst UK greenhouse gas emissions measured on a production basis have been falling, there is clear evidence that the...

Perspectives on India

Anupama Sen  OIES Anupama Sen  describes  some important features of the approach to the climate change debate in India. The Indian narrative could be descr...

Global Agreements National Policies

A number of factors in combination make the issues of global climate uniquely challenging: residual uncertainty over fundamentals, and limited public and poli...

Getting Global Agreements on Climate Issues

Lavan Mahadeva . OIES. Lavan Mahadeva’s presentation covered an important but particular aspect of the search for global agreement, namely the question of bu...

Prospects for a Climate Change Agreement

Joan MacNaughton reviewed the history of international efforts to reach a climate change agreement and looked at the prospects for global agreement in the futur...

Japan’s Energy Needs Post-Fukushima

Two years after the Fukushima earthquake, only 2 out of 52 nuclear reactors are operational in Japan.  Chikako Ishiguro, Senior Researcher and Analyst at Osaka...

Science and the Validity of an Economic Case for Action on Emissions-Meeting Report

A major objective of the first seminar in the 2013  series was to ascertain whether and how far the nature of discussion and analysis had moved on since the St...

The Scientific Case for Action on Emissions

In this presentationProf Sir Brian Hoskins,  Director of the  Grantham Institute Imperial College,  gives  a summary of the essentials of climate science, ...
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