

Modeling Shocks in the Upstream Sector of the Oil and Gas Industry

Mr Gerhard Toews, University of Oxford More than 80 years ago Hoteling (1931) provided the economic profession with a way to think about the optimal extracti...

Alternative Liquid Fuels: Governance, Security and Transitions in the Inter-War Period

Professor Peter J G Pearson, Cardiff University Victoria Johnson, Cardiff University Fionnguala Sherry-Brennan, Cardiff University   Overview: This res...

A UK dash for ‘smart’ gas

Ms Samuela Bassi, Grantham Research Institute James Rydge, New Climate Economy Cheng Seong Khor, Petronas University Samuel Fankahuser, Grantham Research Ins...

North Sea Oil and Gas at a Crossroads: How Can Policy Help?

Professor Alex Kemp and Linda Stephen University of Aberdeen   Overview of Issue   Activity in the UK Continental Shelf (UKCS) is currently at a ...

An Investigation into the Gas Trades across the Interconnector Pipeline between the UK and Belgium: Do Gas Flows Follow Price Spreads?

Mr Chris Cuijpers, CREG Andreas Tirez, CREG   This paper examines the gas flow efficiency in the only bi-directional gas pipeline between the UK and con...

The new ‘civic’ energy sector: implications for ownership, governance and financing of low carbon energy infrastructure

Mr Stephen Hall, Sustainability Research Institute, University of Leeds Timothy J. Foxon, Sustainability Research Institute, University of Leeds Ronan Bolton,...

Residential Energy Efficiency Programs in the UK: a roadmap to recovery

Dr Jan Rosenow, Ricardo AEA Nick Eyre, Environmental Change Institute, Oxford University   UK residential energy efficiency policy over the last decade ...

Assessing the future security of the UK electricity system in a low-carbon context

Miss Emily Cox, University of Sussex   In order to meet legislative targets for mitigating climate change, future energy systems will need to become secu...

Policy Instruments for the Transformation to a Low-Carbon Energy System in the UK

Mr Paul Drummond, University College London Paul Ekins, University College London   The recently proposed EU 2030 Framework for Energy and Climate Chang...

Effects of the proposed EU ETS Market Stability Reserve

Mr Adam Whitmore, Rio Tinto Paolo Agnolucci, University College London Phoebe Lewis, University College London There is currently a surplus of about 2 billio...

Walking alone? How the UK’s carbon targets compare with its competitors’

  Ms Michal Nachmany, Grantham Research Institute Samuel Fankhauser, Grantham Research Institute Michal Nachmany, Grantham Research Institute Fergus Gr...

Low carbon jobs: the evidence for net job creation from policy support for energy efficiency and renewable energy

Mr Jamie Speirs, Imperial College London William Blyth, Oxford Energy Associates Robert Gross, Imperial College London The objectives of this study are to...
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