

Evidence-based policy making for local net zero – a case study of the West Midlands, UK

Laurie Duncan University of Birmingham, UK The importance of evidence in the development of net zero policies is widely acknowledged. It is however overly...

Retrofit Salary Sacrifice: A financial incentive to help decarbonise owner occupied houses

Marina Topouzi1 and Peter Mallaburn2 1University of Oxford, UK, 2University College London, UK The challenge for decarbonising the building stock is enorm...

Why don’t governments pay more attention to energy demand? Investigating systemic reasons for the supply/ demand asymmetry in energy policy

Yekatherina Bobrova1, Nick Eyre1, Tina Fawcett1, Colin Nolden1,2 and George Papachristos3 1University of Oxford, UK, 2University of Bristol, UK, 3TU Eindhov...

Impact of Timing and Type of Requests for Flexible Domestic Energy Use

Cohen R. Simpson Centre for Net Zero London School of Economics, Methodology Andrew Schein Centre for Net Zero andrew...

Does digitalisation save energy? Drivers, rebounds and policy options

Tim Foxon, Steve Sorrell and Noam Bergman SPRU, University of Sussex, UK Digitalisation can be a key driver of the energy transition through enabling the ...

Under one roof: the social relations and relational work of energy retrofit for the occupants of Multi-owned Properties

Dr Iain Cairns1, Professor Matthew Hannon1, Professor Mark Davis2, Professor Lucie Middlemiss2, Dr Anne Owen2, Dr Ruth Bookbinder2, Dr Giulia Mininni3, Dr Donal...

Energy transitions in emerging economies: policy recommendations for incentivising demand response in Chile 

Catarina Araya Cardoso University of Westminster, UK In emerging and developing economies, there has been significant growth in renewable energy investmen...

The energy and economic impacts of the EV transition: UK case study

Jaime Nieto1, Paul Brockway1, Marco Sakai2 and John Barrett1 1University of Leeds, UK, 2University of York, UK Motivation: Alongside the global transi...

E-carsharing: would shared e-cars foster or impede the integration of variable renewables?

Adeline Guéret1,2, Wolf-Peter Schill1 and Carlos Gaete-Morales1 1Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW Berlin), Germany, 2Technische Universitä...

Role of data and digitalisation policy mixes in the UK’s smart and flexible electric-mobility transition

Aslı Ateş1, Katherine Lovell1 and Karoline Rogge1,2 1University of Sussex, UK, 2Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI, Germany Back...

Techno-economic Analysis of Second Life Electric Vehicle Batteries for Stationary Energy Storage Applications

Han Cui, Patrick Luk, Chao Long School of Water, Energy and Environment, Cranfield University, Cranfield, United Kingdom The increasing adoption of electric...

Demand-side CO2 mitigation potential in the UK heating and transport sectors

Contact person: Bence Kiss-Dobronyi [] Authors: Bence Kiss-Dobronyi [] (Cambridge Econometrics), Áron Hartvig [adh@camecon....
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