

UK Carbon Policy Post Paris

At the end of November last year, the Committee on Climate Change (CCC) provided its advice to the Government on the level of the 5th carbon budget (the limit o...

The Future of Coal in a Low Carbon World

Hugh Lee, Independent Consultant

Is CCS Dead and if not how can it be resuscitated?

Following the UK government’s decision to cancel its £1bn competition for carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology at the end of November the future of of...

Climate Change Action to 2030 and Beyond

Matthew Bell , CEO, The Committee on Climate Change

Scottish Renewables

Niall Stuart Chief Executive Scottish Renewables

Why Scotland should not aspire to achieve its 100% renewables target by 2020?

Gbenga Ibikunle, University of Edinburgh Business School

Natural Gas – A Stepping stone or an Endpoint?

Professor Nigel Brandon, OBE FrEng, Director of the Sustainable Gas Institute, Imperial College London

Natural Gas Stepping Stone or Endpoint ?

Robin Smale Director Vivid Economics

UK Gas Winter Outlook

Simon Durk Gas Supply Manager National Grid

Natural Gas in 2015

Emma Wild, Head of Upstream O&G Advisory, KPMG

Climate Change and Actuarial Risk

Oliver Bettis BSc FIA FCII, Fellow of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFoA)

Innovation and Collaboration

Tom Jennings, Policy Director, The  Carbon Trust
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