

Accelerating energy storage innovation – “ what is needed and how can it be achieved?

Prof Peter Taylor, University of Leeds, United Kingdom Dr Jonathan Radcliffe, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom Energy storage is increasing bein...

Optimal Storage Investment and Management under Uncertainty – It is costly to avoid outages!

Mr Joachim  Geske, Imperial College, London, United Kingdom Prof Richard Green, Imperial College Business School, United Kingdom Overview: Storage has ...

An empirical exploration into the role of phase-out policies for low-carbon energy transitions: the case of the German Energiewende

Dr Karoline  Rogge, University of Sussex The energy sector plays a significant role in reaching the ambitious climate policy target of limiting the global t...

Energy Barometer 2016

Deane Somerville, Knowledge Team Manager, Energy Institute The 2016 Energy Barometer Report captures insights from UK energy professionals and enables them to ...

Sources of Innovation and Disruption

Richard Hepworth Richard Hepworth, Director of Digital Transformation at PwC has 20 years’ experience of digital transformation of Energy Retailing Businesses...

Carbon Tracker Initiative – Leave your assumptions at the door!

James Leaton James has been leading Carbon Tracker’s Research since 2010. He has fifteen years sustainability experience across responsible investment, NGO po...

Innovation and the governance of energy industry codes

Dr. Matthew Lockwood (University of Exeter Energy Policy Group)   Energy industry codes are detailed multilateral agreements that define the terms un...

Government policy to stimulate sustainable energy innovation

Dr Matthew  Hannon, University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom In the face of mounting environmental, energy security and economic pressures there is a grow...

An Empirical Analysis of Energy Demand in Sub-Saharan Africa (1980-2014)

Ms Aisha Kolawole, Oxford Brookes University This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of energy demand in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) by analysing demand f...

Risk premia in electricity spot markets – New empirical evidence for Germany and Austria

Mr Niyaz  Valitov, University of Wuppertal, Germany The process of liberalization in Europe and the growth of electricity from renewable energy sources led...

Assessment of the innovation potential and possible future costs of energy storage technologies

Mr Oliver  Schmidt, Imperial College London, United Kingdom Dr Iain Staffell, Imperial College London,United Kingdom  Dr Sheridan Few, Imperial College L...

Facing the Climate and Digital Challenge: European Energy Industry From Boom to Crisis and Transformation

Mrs Proadpran Boonprasurd  Piccini, BI Norwegian Business School, Norway  Prof Atle Midttun, BI Norwegian Business School, Norway 1   THE TOPIC, BAC...
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