

The human capital implications of net zero on the energy sector

This paper presents the findings of research carried out by the National Skills Academy for Power (NSAP) into the current and future human capital requirements ...

Balancing act: How to align social and environmental interests in the light of the pandemic and in the pursuit of net zero

This paper will address the question: ‘How do institutions, governance processes and business models in the energy sector redesign to deliver fairer social an...

Electric cars: prone to disruption by something else entirely?

Believe the hype and the internal combustion engine is on course for the end of its reign with the era of electric mobility inevitable. But the reality is fa...

Exploring the implications of landscape visual impact of renewable technologies for future low carbon energy systems in Great Britain

Policymakers require reliable information about the cost and potential capacities of renewable energy technologies. The realizable potential for these technolog...

Regional energy futures as decision support in the transition to net zero emissions: North of Tyne case study

Futures studies have a variety of purposes: to inform policy, assist investment or business strategy. They can even change perceptions of what the future may ho...

Why innovation is vital to achieving net zero

Vivid Economics is conducting the Global Innovation Needs Assessments project (GINAs). This project builds on UK’s Energy Innovation Needs Assessment (EINA) p...

The “Glide-Path” to Net Zero

Too shallow/slow and we miss our target, too deep/fast and the transition collapses

The role of interconnectors in decarbonising Great Britain’s electricity system

Electricity interconnectors are considered as key investments for enhancing the security of supply, increasing overall social welfare and helping achieve decarb...

Exploring Impact of Social Norms on Adoption of Local Generation in an Urban Environment

Urban centres around the world are increasingly focusing on developing net-zero communities. These plans rely heavily on adoption of local renewable generation ...

Achieving a net-zero carbon railway

The development of the East-West rail network across the Oxford-Milton Keynes-Cambridge arc is seen essential to contribute to the UK’s economic growth. Yet, ...

Considering the Sixth Carbon Budget as a case study for an NDC – a strategic look at COP26

The Committee on Climate Change (CCC) published its advice on the Sixth Carbon budget (2033-2037) last December, providing the analytical underpinning for the U...

Citizen participation: promoting or prohibiting a green recovery and just transition?

The panel discussion contributes to the theme: Consumers & energy publics: public attitudes and acceptance, social movements, workers, civil society organizatio...
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