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BP Statistical Review of World Energy

Each June BP  publishes  the annual data that has been collected on the world’s energy markets, to assess what has happened this last year and how last year...

BP 2030 Energy Outlook

Christof Ruhl BP plc This outlook  identifies long-term energy trends, building on  the BP  Statistical Review of World Energy, and then develops projection...

The Prospects for Oil Prices 2011

Prof. Paul Stevens, Chatham House Prospects for 2012 are consider against a framework of analysis that examined what happened in 2011 in the ‘wet barrel’ m...

European Gas Contracts Will Oil Indexation persist OIES 2011

Howard Rogers, OIES Natural Gas Programme In the context of European gas markets and international LNG markets, a number of issues are highlighted, covering: E...

The Effect of Royalties on oil and gas production

Dr Clinton Levitt, Copenhagen Business School I develop a structural model of exploration and extraction that can be used to estimate the effectiveness of diff...

The continuing tug-of -war between emerging market and developed market commodity demand

Jeffrey Currie, Goldman Sachs International There has been a commodity imbalance with oil, which has historically seen global output lower than global producti...

What we have learned about Oil Markets

Edward Morse, LCM Research The presentation provides a detailed overview of what has happened within the oil markets over the last five years and what this may...

Are Financial Investors Destabilising the Oil Market?

Leo Drollas. Centre for Global Energy Studies Consideration is given to what has caused the extreme volatility in oil price in the last two years and whether t...

Outlook for the Global Economy and Oil Demand

Christof Rühl, BP The context of global economic stability and growth are considered in relation to the US, China, Germany, Japan and the UK. The link between...

OPEC Behaviour through the Lenses of the Oil Price Cycle

Bassam Fattouh, OIES Since 1986 the year-on-year change in global oil demand has generally exceeded total non-OPEC supply, with the gap increasingly met throu...

Oil Supply Analysis from the Goldman Sachs Top230 Study

Michele Della Vigna, Goldman Sachs International The Top230 study models the largest 230 new oil and gas developments in the world to provide insight into the ...

China’s International Oil Strategy 2009

Philip Andrews-Speed, University of Dundee This is discussed in respect to the overseas investment and the different objectives of the parties involved. Chines...
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