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How environmentally sustainable are current biofuels?

Mr Jeremie Mercier, Imperial College  Today’s liquid transport biofuels are mostly bioethanol and biodiesel, commonly used in low blends with their fossil...

Characterising risk and uncertainty for CCS investments in the UK

Ms Hannah Chalmers, University of Surrey  Carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies have been recognised by policy-makers and scientists as a potentiall...

Sustainability challenges in regulating electricity distribution networks

Miss Rita Shaw, Electricity North West / University of Surrey  The price-control regulation of Great Britain’s regional electricity distribution networks wa...

Price Signals from the Electricity Distribution Networks

Miss Rita Shaw, Electricity North West / University of Surrey  The paper/ poster explores the current regulatory framework around network pricing and discusse...

The role of public policy and its relation to private sector investment in driving innovation for a low carbon and secure UK electricity system- a Historical Perspective

Mr Nick Hughes, King's College London The configuration of technologies and infrastructure which currently supports the UK electricity system owes much to th...

Fostering the development and deployment of low carbon technologies: Lessons from the Carbon Trust

Mr Florian Kern, SPRU, University of Sussex  UK policy-makers are increasingly confronting the challenge of restructuring energy systems into more sustainab...

Expanding the System: Regulation and New Transmission Capacity for Renewables Connection in the UK

Dr Bridget Woodman, University of Exeter, Cornwall campus  New transmission capacity will be needed to allow the connection of the renewables generation req...

Analysis of hydrogen infrastructure development in the UK: How does the scale vary across different infrastructure options?

Dr Nazmiye Balta-Ozkan, Policy Studies Institute  Hydrogen (H2) technologies and infrastructures can play significant roles in meeting the objectives of the...

Personal Carbon Trading

Stephen Elderkin, DEFRA The role of personal carbon trading (PCT) is discussed in relation to emissions from leisure, aviation, personal car use, electricity, ...

Oil Markets in 2008

Paul Horsnell, Barclays Capital Provides a detailed overview of oil markets in 2008, considering drivers to demand, growth and price. Annual changes to the for...

Policies for a Low Carbon UK Energy System

Prof. Dennis Anderson, Imperial College.  3 October 2007 This paper provides an independent assessment of the policies required, and estimated costs for, ach...

Saving Energy

Dr Brenda Boardman, ECI,  Oxford University In the context of the challenge to cut carbon emissions, the task is huge, but possible. The 40% House study provi...
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