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Building Market Transformation: transforming markets from the inside

Mark Hinnells, Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford Buildings account for 47% of UK carbon emissions. Building Market Transformation is explo...

Transition pathways for a low carbon energy system in the UK: assessing the compatibility of large-scale and small-scale options

Dr Tim Foxon, University of Leeds  This paper will describe initial work on transition pathways for a low carbon energy system in the UK, being pursued in a...

BERR Energy Group’s Long Term Scenarios and analysis underpinning the 2008 Nuclear White Paper

Mr Stephen Green, BERR  The effects of today’s energy policy will be seen long into the future. BERR Energy Group Scenarios has developed scenarios to aid...

UK Renewable Heat Policy: Lessons from Renewable Electricity Policy

Peter M. Connor  University of Exeter According to figures presented by the UK’s Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform (BERR) in 2007,...

Effectiveness and economic efficiency of support mechanisms for private sector investment in renewable generation technologies

Mr Jostein Kristensen  The recent proposal for a Renewables Directive  from the European Commission has set a target on the UK to source 15% of total energy ...

Energy security and climate change: Conflicting or complementary energy policy objectives?

Gordon MacKerron Raphael Sauter University of Sussex SPRU     Energy security and climate change have become core energy policy objectives. Despite ar...

Exploring the Rationales for Relaxations in the UK Petroleum Fiscal Regime 1980-2000

Dr Hafez Abdo, Nottingham Trent University. The UK petroleum fiscal regime was established in 1975 and tightened up with a number of different new taxes up unt...

Transmission access – developing a regime to facilitate the delivery of the UK’s Renewable Targets

Mr Philip Baker, Exeter University Abstract for BIEE 7th Academic Conference The New Energy Challenge: Security and Sustainability A Job for Government...

The Political Economy of Energy Regulation in the UK 1945-2007 – Paradigms and Policy

Dr Shane Fudge, University of Surrey This paper considers the current and historical debate that has taken place around energy policy and government regulati...

A distinctive Energy Policy for Scotland?

Professor Peter McGregor, Department of Economics, University of Strathclyde  The objective of this paper is to explore the extent to which there has emerge...

How environmentally sustainable are current biofuels?

Mr Jeremie Mercier, Imperial College  Today’s liquid transport biofuels are mostly bioethanol and biodiesel, commonly used in low blends with their fossil...

Characterising risk and uncertainty for CCS investments in the UK

Ms Hannah Chalmers, University of Surrey  Carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies have been recognised by policy-makers and scientists as a potentiall...
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