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Keeping the Lights On

Ian Marchant. In his former role as CEO of SSE, Ian Marchant was outspoken about the risk of the UK’s  "lights going out” unless further action was taken ...

Climate Policy in Crisis: A Perspective from the 2013 Seminars

Dr John Rhys , Senior Research Fellow,  OIES.  BIEE Seminar February 5th  2014.

Winter Outlook 2013/2014

Peter Parsons, Energy Supply Manager,  National  Grid

Policy Instruments:From Why to How

John Rhys OIES

The Importance of the Demand Side

Malcolm Keay OIES

Reducing the UK Carbon Footprint

Kavita Srinivasan . The CCC Secretariat . Whilst UK greenhouse gas emissions measured on a production basis have been falling, there is clear evidence that the...

The Economic Case for Action against Climate Change

Prof Sam Fankhauser , from the Grantham Research Institute at the LSE , discussed  the  economic considerations and the policy case for action on emissions. C...

Winter Gas Outlook

Peter Parsons, Forecasting Manager National Grid provides a detailed overview in respect to gas, covering: fuel prices; relative power economics; demand; demand...

What’s the future role of photovoltaics in the UK energy mix? A discussion of recent market and policy developments

Dr Chiara Candelise, Imperial College The introduction of the Feed in Tariff (FIT) scheme has spurred photovoltaic (PV) sector in the UK, leading to a relative...

Is Energy Efficiency Sustainable?

Malcolm Keay, OIES This presentation looks at the links between energy efficiency and sustainability and concludes that they are much more complex than they mi...

Which – Consumer Bills and Energy Policy

Dr Louise Strong, Senior Policy Advisor Energy is currently a key policy issue for Which? and recent survey data has indicated that energy costs are a high con...

Household energy bills – impacts of meeting carbon budgets

Mike Thompson, Committee on Climate Change The Climate Change Act requires the CCC to consider the impact of carbon budgets on energy supplies and fuel poverty...
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