
Downloads / transport

Piloting Low Carbon Economic Zones in China 2009

Antony Froggatt, Chatham House An overview of Low Carbon Zones (LCZ) is provided, setting out what they are, what they can include and the opportunities and in...

Oil Market Outlook 2009

Philip K. Verleger, Jr and David Mitchell, University of Calgary This paper provides an alternative view to the book Twilight in the Desert that argued that oi...

Delivering Sustainability – The need for energy policy to engage more people than the ‘usual suspects’ – the supply-side

Catherine Mitchell, University of Exeter Sets out the nature of the current energy system in terms of incumbent energy companies and how Government policies su...

Towards a Sustainable Transport System 2008

Adrian Gault, Department for Transport The context for sustainable transport is set out in respect to UK CO2 emissions and the literature that that has examine...

Energy White Paper 2007: Meeting the Energy Challenge

Vicky Pryce, BERR This provides a brief overview of the 2007 Energy White Paper (EWP), setting the policy and analytical context and some key highlights. The k...

Reducing Energy Use in UK Transport

Professor David Banister, Transport Studies Unit, Oxford University The UK transport sector is responsible for over a quarter of UK energy use and GHG emission...

Renewable Energy in the 2007 Energy White Paper

Professor Catherine Mitchell, University of Exeter Provides an overview of progress on renewables within the UK, the current support mechanisms for them, new ...

Meeting the Energy Challenge: A White Paper on Energy. DTI

Elizabeth Cuthbertson Provides a detailed overview of the 2007 EWP, including the Government’s key long term challenges of tackling climate change, whilst en...

Energy White Paper 2007

“Meeting the Energy Challenge”, the White Paper on Energy, was published on May 23, 2007 following several years of intense energy policy review and debate....

Energy Policies in a Global Context

Paul Chambers, Defra Forecast global carbon reductions from 2002 to 2030 are reviewed, indicating that energy efficiency is expected to account for over 50% of...
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