
Downloads / transport

Electric cars: prone to disruption by something else entirely?

Believe the hype and the internal combustion engine is on course for the end of its reign with the era of electric mobility inevitable. But the reality is fa...

Continuity and Disruption in UK Energy System Change: Mapping Expert Differences – and Understanding their Implications

Mike Kattirtz, University of Edinburgh Energy systems globally are undergoing dramatic changes, and many observers anticipate accelerated changes in the years ...

Energy Barometer 2016

Deane Somerville, Knowledge Team Manager, Energy Institute The 2016 Energy Barometer Report captures insights from UK energy professionals and enables them to ...

The CCC Review of Bioenergy

Dr Ute Collier, Committee on Climate Change Discusses the nature of bioenergy in respect to feedstocks, conversion processes, and the potential end uses (heat ...

Shipping Emissions Report CCC 2011

Neil Golborne, Committee on Climate Change The review has a number of key messages, including a recognition that current UK international shipping emissions ar...

Transport 2050: the potential role of hydrogen

Professor Paul Ekins, UCL Bearing in mind that transport is part of the wider energy system, scenarios and models to 2050 can help examine a range of potential...

The Role of Biofuels in Transport

James Primrose, BP Biofuels There are a range of factors that impact on the effectiveness of different fuel use in transport, with liquid fuels generally being...

Pathways to a low carbon economy – the role of natural gas and biofuels

Ben Taylor, Shell To 2050 there is an expectation of rising energy demand, increasing supply pressure and growing impacts from climate change. Shell’s respon...

Is the future electric? A utility perspective

Rufus Ford, SSE Electricity demand scenarios to 2050 from UKERC, DECC, OFGEM, the CCC and others, show a wide range of possible different total demands across ...

China’s Role in Advancing Climate Policies in the Face of a Global Recession

Antony Froggatt , Chatham House. China plays a key role in the interactions between global energy prices, CO2 emissions and global economic output. In terms of...

How can Transport Change Enough?

Abigail Bristow, Loughborough University A range of issues for encouraging a shift towards low carbon transport are discussed. Recent trends show that many ind...

Building a Low Carbon Economy

David Kennedy, The Committee on Climate Change Provides a recap of the UK’s Intended and Interim carbon budgets to 2020 and the opportunities for emission re...
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