
Downloads / Student poster

Lights, camera, action! Stages of behavioural change and the impact of the climate change film The Age of Stupid

Ms Rachel Howell, The University of Edinburgh Faced with the failure of traditional information campaigns to influence energy-related behaviour, concerned indi...

Do homes that are more energy efficient consume less energy?

Scott Kelly University of Cambridge With the growing prominence of climate change and the rising costs of domestic energy, the ability to predict domestic ene...

Sustainability challenges in regulating electricity distribution networks

Miss Rita Shaw, Electricity North West / University of Surrey  The price-control regulation of Great Britain’s regional electricity distribution networks wa...

Analysing Carbon Markets as Instituted Processes of Exchange

 John Broderick, Tyndall Centre  Markets are not natural, in the sense that they are pre-existent and external to society, neither do they arise spontaneou...
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