
Downloads / Risk

Climate Change and Actuarial Risk

Oliver Bettis BSc FIA FCII, Fellow of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFoA)

The Prospects for Oil Prices 2011

Prof. Paul Stevens, Chatham House Prospects for 2012 are consider against a framework of analysis that examined what happened in 2011 in the ‘wet barrel’ m...

Volatility transmission in crude oil 2011

X. Jin, S. Lin and M. Tamvakis, Cass Business School City University London Using three main pricing benchmarks (Brent, WTI, and Dubai), research was carried o...

The economics of gas storage investment

Ivan Olzack , Oxera Despite longer-term policies to decarbonise the economy, UK dependence on imported gas is growing, driven in large part by gas use in the p...

Funding nuclear power and radioactive waste

Professor Gordon MacKerron, SPRU, University of Sussex The UK Government expects substantial new investment in nuclear power as part of its approach to reducin...

OPEC Behaviour through the Lenses of the Oil Price Cycle

Bassam Fattouh, OIES Since 1986 the year-on-year change in global oil demand has generally exceeded total non-OPEC supply, with the gap increasingly met throu...

Oil, Energy Markets and the World Economy

Christopher Allsopp, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies Currently oil and other commodity prices, volatility, and the international financial crisis are all i...

Winter Gas Outlook Prices 2008

David Cox, Pöyry Energy Consulting Provides a detailed analysis of the major drivers to energy prices and the relationship between oil price and the prices fo...

Characterising risk and uncertainty for CCS investments in the UK

Ms Hannah Chalmers, University of Surrey  Carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies have been recognised by policy-makers and scientists as a potentiall...

Oil, Energy Markets and the World Economy

Christopher Allsopp, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies.   Currently oil and other commodity prices, volatility, and the international financial crisis are a...
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