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Why Europe needs natural gas….at least for now

John Fedderson CEO Aurora Energy Research John Feddersen is Chief Executive Officer and a Director of Aurora Energy Research. Prior to co-founding Aurora, John...

The CCC Review of Bioenergy

Dr Ute Collier, Committee on Climate Change Discusses the nature of bioenergy in respect to feedstocks, conversion processes, and the potential end uses (heat ...

Resource Adequacy and Renewable Energy in Competitive Wholesale Electricity Markets

Dr Serena Hesmondhaigh, The Brattle Group Ltd We review a range of alternative wholesale electricity market designs in the context of the challenges of ensurin...

Lessons learned from New Zealand’s electricity market

Mr Mike Parker, Transpower New Zealand Limited In the last twenty years, many countries have split up state-run, vertically integrated and centrally planned el...

Economic impacts of wind generation variability on gas network operation

Dr Modassar Chaudry, Institute of Energy, Cardiff University Large capacity of wind generation is expected to be installed across Great Britain by 2020. Wind g...

Can UK Electricity Markets Deliver A Low Carbon Future?

Dr John Rhys, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies The UK electricity market was designed to satisfy the technical requirement to supply a non-storable commodit...

Making a Low Carbon Economy Happen

Ben Irons, McKinsey and Company Using low carbon abatement cost curves provides insights into what will be requirement for a low carbon economy, with a global ...

Building a Low Carbon Economy

David Kennedy, The Committee on Climate Change Provides a recap of the UK’s Intended and Interim carbon budgets to 2020 and the opportunities for emission re...

Building A low carbon Economy . The UK’s contribution to tackling climate change

David Kennedy, The Committee on Climate Change Provides a recap of the UK’s Intended and Interim carbon budgets to 2020 and the opportunities for emission re...

Piloting Low Carbon Economic Zones in China 2009

Antony Froggatt, Chatham House An overview of Low Carbon Zones (LCZ) is provided, setting out what they are, what they can include and the opportunities and in...

Personal Carbon Trading

Stephen Elderkin, DEFRA The role of personal carbon trading (PCT) is discussed in relation to emissions from leisure, aviation, personal car use, electricity, ...

Meeting the Energy Challenge: A White Paper on Energy. DTI

Elizabeth Cuthbertson Provides a detailed overview of the 2007 EWP, including the Government’s key long term challenges of tackling climate change, whilst en...
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