
Downloads / parker seminars

Global Agreements National Policies

A number of factors in combination make the issues of global climate uniquely challenging: residual uncertainty over fundamentals, and limited public and poli...

Science and the Validity of an Economic Case for Action on Emissions-Meeting Report

A major objective of the first seminar in the 2013  series was to ascertain whether and how far the nature of discussion and analysis had moved on since the St...

The Economic Case for Action against Climate Change

Prof Sam Fankhauser , from the Grantham Research Institute at the LSE , discussed  the  economic considerations and the policy case for action on emissions. C...

The Scientific Case for Action on Emissions

In this presentationProf Sir Brian Hoskins,  Director of the  Grantham Institute Imperial College,  gives  a summary of the essentials of climate science, ...

Is Energy Efficiency Sustainable?

Malcolm Keay, OIES This presentation looks at the links between energy efficiency and sustainability and concludes that they are much more complex than they mi...

Feeding the Nine Billion

Lord Krebs, Committee on Climate Change How can we feed 9 billion people equitably, healthily and sustainably? Provide enough water and energy for a growing po...

Cancun and the implications for UK climate change policy 2011

Jim Watson, Sussex Energy Group Provides an overview of the Cancun climate negotiations and outcomes, highlighting positive outcomes and a number of issues tha...

Where Next for US Policy on CO2 and Climate Issues?

David Robinson, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies and The Brattle Group Provides an overview of recent changes to US policy on climate change. This is discus...

Copenhagen and Decarbonising the Power Sector 2010

Joan MacNaughton, Alstom The need for decarbonising power generation is set out, in the context of global carbon emissions, abatement scenarios and investment ...

Tackling Carbon Leakage 2009

Professor Michael Grubb, Climate Strategies If damaging externalities are not internalised in prices, there is no basis to assume that economic liberalisation ...

Kingsnorth and the Carbon Capture Question

Jim Watson, Sussex Energy Group, SPRU The development of CCS within the UK is discussed in the context of a potential new coal fired plant at Kingsnorth and t...

Personal Carbon Trading

Stephen Elderkin, DEFRA The role of personal carbon trading (PCT) is discussed in relation to emissions from leisure, aviation, personal car use, electricity, ...
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