
Downloads / Liberalisation

Energy efficiency in Liberalised energy markets – implications for a low carbon futur

Nick Eyre University of Oxford Full liberalisation of retail gas and electricity markets in Great Britain was implemented in 1998. At the time, it was recognis...

Regulating energy suppliers to deliver energy demand reduction

Dr Nick Eyre, Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford  Regulation of energy companies to provide energy efficiency improvements for their custome...

Energy security and climate change: Conflicting or complementary energy policy objectives?

Gordon MacKerron Raphael Sauter University of Sussex SPRU     Energy security and climate change have become core energy policy objectives. Despite ar...

A distinctive Energy Policy for Scotland?

Professor Peter McGregor, Department of Economics, University of Strathclyde  The objective of this paper is to explore the extent to which there has emerge...

Market Reforms and Energy Security for the Poor in Developing Countries

Dr Judith Alazraque-Cherni, Imperial College London  Growing scrutiny of the impact of liberalisation policy on the electricity sector in developing countri...

The role of public policy and its relation to private sector investment in driving innovation for a low carbon and secure UK electricity system- a Historical Perspective

Mr Nick Hughes, King's College London The configuration of technologies and infrastructure which currently supports the UK electricity system owes much to th...
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