
Downloads / European Energy in a Challenging World

The path to 2050: strategic insights from modelling the UK energy system

Mr George Day, Energy Technologies Institute The Energy Technologies Institute, a public private partnership between global industries and the UK Government, h...

Effects of Utilisation in Real-time on Electricity Capacity Assessments

Mr Alasdair Bruce, University of Edinburgh If significant decarbonisation of the electricity sector progresses, it is expected that a large proportion of the e...

Strategic allocation of effort in energy reduction contests

Dr Philomena Bacon, LUMS, Lancaster University Rent payable on university accommodation often incorporates energy costs, thereby absorbing the risk associated ...

Investigating possible bias issues arising from improper use of the internal rate of return when used for decision-making on renewable energy technology investments

Ms Tanja Groth, Aarhus University/Stirling.DK ApS The internal rate of return (IRR) is, together with net present value (NPV), the most commonly used investmen...

Mind The Gap: Experienced Engineers Wanted

Mr Maxime Le Floch, AXA Investment Managers This study shows that the oil and gas (O&G) industry is facing a significant shortage of skilled workers in the...

Exploring policies for the transition towards electric vehicles

In order to meet the target of 450 ppm CO2-equivalent by 2050, a minimum of 50% energy-related GHG emission reduction needs to be achieved globally. The transpo...

The Economics of CO2 Sequestration through Enhanced Oil Recovery

Professor Charles Mason, University of Wyoming The process of injecting CO2 into mature oil fields to increase oil production, enhanced oil recovery (EOR), con...

The small scale feed-in tariff in Great Britain : its role in electricity system transition

Mr Jimmy Aldridge, University of Exeter The feed-in tariff for small-scale low-carbon generation was introduced across GB in April 2010 and has resulted in the...

Third Party Access to Infrastructure and the Future Recovery of Oil and Gas Reserves in the UKCS

Professor Alexander Kemp, University of Aberdeen The importance of ensuring effective mechanisms to allow third-party access to infrastructure in the Unite...

Crude oil futures markets: Does NYMEX trade and the decoupling of WTI and Brent affect ICE trade?

Professor Ronald Ripple, Curtin University This paper examines the relations between the futures trading activities on the NYMEX and the ICE exchanges, placed ...

UK Carbon Plan

The Carbon Plan published in December 2011, sets out the Government's plans for achieving the emissions reductions committed to in the first four carbon budgets...

Is Green Healthy for Competition? Renewable Technologies, Optimal Generation Mix and Price Volatility in Competitive Electricity Markets

Professor Asher Tishler, Faculty of Management, Tel Aviv University This paper presents a two-stage decision model with endogenous capacity and operations to a...
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