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Piloting Low Carbon Economic Zones in China 2009

Antony Froggatt, Chatham House An overview of Low Carbon Zones (LCZ) is provided, setting out what they are, what they can include and the opportunities and in...

Energy security and climate change: Conflicting or complementary energy policy objectives?

Gordon MacKerron Raphael Sauter University of Sussex SPRU     Energy security and climate change have become core energy policy objectives. Despite ar...

Learning Rates and Cost Reduction in the Marine Energy Sector

Mr Henry Jeffrey, University of Edinburgh. Since the early 1990s cost reduction and learning rates have attracted significant interest in technology and policy...

Security and Sustainability

David Newbery, University of Cambridge 2008. What is the relationship between climate change, RD&D for low carbon investment and energy security? Security ...

How environmentally sustainable are current biofuels?

Mr Jeremie Mercier, Imperial College  Today’s liquid transport biofuels are mostly bioethanol and biodiesel, commonly used in low blends with their fossil...

Analysing Carbon Markets as Instituted Processes of Exchange

 John Broderick, Tyndall Centre  Markets are not natural, in the sense that they are pre-existent and external to society, neither do they arise spontaneou...

Valuing Carbon: From theory to practice and back (again)

Professor Michael Grubb, The Carbon Trust  There are two main discourses around carbon, the first relating to what the cost of carbon should be. It is suggest...
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