
Downloads / Energy in a Low carbon economy

Bridging the gap – Market interventions for commercial marine energy deployments

Mr Philip Thies, University of Exeter, 22/09/12 In the UK as much as 17% of the electricity demand (58 TWh/a out of 340 TWh/a) could be provided by wave energ...

Funding nuclear power and radioactive waste

Professor Gordon MacKerron, SPRU, University of Sussex The UK Government expects substantial new investment in nuclear power as part of its approach to reducin...

Energy Efficiency and pace model

Nadia Ameli , UC Berkeley An economic transition is needed to a low-carbon, sustainable, and job producing model. In thatprocess, improving commercial and resi...

Energy in a Low Carbon Economy, Keynote Address

Dr Paul Golby, CEO EON Paul Golby’s opening address at the BIEE 2010 conference
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