
Downloads / Energy in a Low carbon economy

Economies of Scale vs the Learning Curve

Joan MacNaughton, Alstom The global challenge is to reduce energy-related CO2 emissions and secure significant investment for generation plant. Meeting this ch...

An evaluating of the regulation of Incentives for Alternative Electricity Sources in Brazil

Dr Élbia Melo, CCEE -Brazil The reduction of the greenhouse gas emissions is one of the major challenges that has been faced by the humankind nowadays. This c...

What can we learn from the BRIC countries?

Jim Watson, SPRU University of Sussex Global trends from IEA show that: energy demand could increase by 40% by 2030; fossil fuel use will continue to be domina...

Leading the way in Asia, Africa and the Middle East

Yulanda Chung, Standard Chartered Bank Sustainability and energy are important considerations in the SCB’s financing decisions, which are more widely governe...

Resource Adequacy and Renewable Energy in Competitive Wholesale Electricity Markets

Dr Serena Hesmondhaigh, The Brattle Group Ltd We review a range of alternative wholesale electricity market designs in the context of the challenges of ensurin...

Lessons learned from New Zealand’s electricity market

Mr Mike Parker, Transpower New Zealand Limited In the last twenty years, many countries have split up state-run, vertically integrated and centrally planned el...

An innovative model-based approach to CO2 marginal abatement cost

Mr Fabian Kesicki, UCL Energy Institute Policy makers in the UK as in many countries around the world are confronted with the task of how to reduce carbon emis...

Nuclear Energy Policy in the European Union: The Case of Romania

Mr Raphael Heffron, University of Cambridge This research assesses the formulation of nuclear energy policy in the European Union (EU) directly focusing on Rom...

The Carbon Reduction Agenda and UK Nuclear Energy Policy

Mr Jonathan Cooper, University of Central Lancashire The relatively low carbon footprint of nuclear energy development, when compared to fossil fuel alternativ...

OECD-Europe Natural Gas Demand: A Structural Time Series Analysis

Mr Zafer Dilaver, Surrey Energy Economics Centre, University of Surrey This research investigates the relationship between OECD-Europe natural gas consumption,...

Lights, camera, action! Stages of behavioural change and the impact of the climate change film The Age of Stupid

Ms Rachel Howell, The University of Edinburgh Faced with the failure of traditional information campaigns to influence energy-related behaviour, concerned indi...

Do homes that are more energy efficient consume less energy?

Scott Kelly University of Cambridge With the growing prominence of climate change and the rising costs of domestic energy, the ability to predict domestic ene...
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