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Decision support tool for improving energy and environmental performance of public sector multi-energy systems

The public sector consumes 6% of the UK’s energy, spends around £2 billion per annum on its energy bill and is expected by the UK Government to lead the de-c...

World Energy Outlook – A Glimpse into the Future of Energy

Dr. Fatih Birol, International Energy Agency Provides an overview and insights into the 2010 WEO. It is suggested that recently announced policies can make a d...

Measuring the Contribution of New and Renewable Energy R&D to Slowing Down CO2 Emissions in Taiwan with an Integrated Modelling Approach

Professor Shih-Mo Lin, Chung Yuan Christian University, Taiwan Energy and environmental issues have become increasingly important over the past decade. Concern...

Energy in a low carbon economy: new roles for governments and markets

David Newbery, EPEG Cambridge EU climate policy comprises of the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) to price CO2, the 20-20-20 Directive to create a demand pull fo...

World Energy Outlook Post Copenhagen IEA

Dr. Fatih Birol, International Energy Agency An overview of the 2010 WEO Reference Scenario to 2030 is provided, discussing: changes in primary energy demand; ...

Tackling Carbon Leakage 2009

Professor Michael Grubb, Climate Strategies If damaging externalities are not internalised in prices, there is no basis to assume that economic liberalisation ...

Energy and Environmental Challenges in the New Global Economy

Andrew Sentance, Bank of England. Provides an analysis of recovery in terms of global economic growth following the recent financial crisis, considering the r...

Green Fiscal Stimulus Packages

Samuel Fankhauser, Grantham Research Institute, LSE Sets out the case for a green fiscal stimulus, initially through evidence for its impact, before considerin...

American Developments and Transatlantic Linking: advancing climate policies in the face of a global recession

Cameron Hepburn, Oxford University An overview of US climate bills, in context of EPA Regulations, the Waxman-Markely Bill and the Boxer-Kerry Bill is set out....

China’s Role in Advancing Climate Policies in the Face of a Global Recession

Antony Froggatt , Chatham House. China plays a key role in the interactions between global energy prices, CO2 emissions and global economic output. In terms of...

How can Transport Change Enough?

Abigail Bristow, Loughborough University A range of issues for encouraging a shift towards low carbon transport are discussed. Recent trends show that many ind...

Energy Efficiency and Energy Demand Perspectives

Nick Eyre, Oxford University Within the UK, domestic energy use has been rising since 1970, particularly in respect to electricity, linking to the consumer soc...
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