
Downloads / Emission reductions

Exploring Impact of Social Norms on Adoption of Local Generation in an Urban Environment

Urban centres around the world are increasingly focusing on developing net-zero communities. These plans rely heavily on adoption of local renewable generation ...

Opportunities and Challenges in Building a Low Carbon Economy

David Kennedy, CEO , The Committee on Climate Change .

Closing the Emissions Gap

Adam Whitmore,  Chief Advisor on Energy and Climate Change Policy, Rio Tinto.  Adam Whitmore considers three areas central to progress on climate policy – c...

Decarbonising surface transport in 2050

Mr Eric Ling, Committee on Climate Change This paper sets out a scenario for decarbonisation of surface transport between 2012 and 2050 consistent with the obj...

Cumulative Carbon Emissions and Climate Change

Dr John Rhys, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions are essentially cumulative in the earth's atmosphere.  The thesis of this pap...

Carbon Taxation if Liquefied Coal will (not) Substitute Oil and Gas

Mr Florian Habermacher, Inst. of Intl. and Applied Econ. Research, Uni. of St.Gallen Current and conceivable near-term climate protection measures are regional...

Is Energy Efficiency Sustainable?

Malcolm Keay, OIES This presentation looks at the links between energy efficiency and sustainability and concludes that they are much more complex than they mi...

The CCC Review of Bioenergy

Dr Ute Collier, Committee on Climate Change Discusses the nature of bioenergy in respect to feedstocks, conversion processes, and the potential end uses (heat ...

Shipping Emissions Report CCC 2011

Neil Golborne, Committee on Climate Change The review has a number of key messages, including a recognition that current UK international shipping emissions ar...

Advanced Bioethanol production Biofuels 2011

Graham Rice, INEOS Bio The INEOS Bio company and technology portfolio are described, discussing different pathways to bioethanol production (hydrolysis, gasifi...

Cancun and the implications for UK climate change policy 2011

Jim Watson, Sussex Energy Group Provides an overview of the Cancun climate negotiations and outcomes, highlighting positive outcomes and a number of issues tha...

The Fourth Carbon Budget CCC 2011

David Kennedy, Committee on Climate Change Provides a detailed overview of the CCC’s Fourth Carbon Budget, highlighting that the UK’s 2050 target of an 80%...
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