
Downloads / BRICS

UK Biofuels industry overview 2011

Ann Cormack, Xynteo An overview of Xynteo and The Global Leadership & Technology Exchange is provided. The global picture for biofuels is discussed in rela...

World Energy Outlook – A Glimpse into the Future of Energy

Dr. Fatih Birol, International Energy Agency Provides an overview and insights into the 2010 WEO. It is suggested that recently announced policies can make a d...

An evaluating of the regulation of Incentives for Alternative Electricity Sources in Brazil

Dr Élbia Melo, CCEE -Brazil The reduction of the greenhouse gas emissions is one of the major challenges that has been faced by the humankind nowadays. This c...

What can we learn from the BRIC countries?

Jim Watson, SPRU University of Sussex Global trends from IEA show that: energy demand could increase by 40% by 2030; fossil fuel use will continue to be domina...

Passenger Road Transport in the Long Run

Katharina Gruenberg, Shell Research Ltd In a rapidly changing world the demand for energy seems ever increasing. Good insight into future energy demand levels ...

World Energy Outlook Post Copenhagen IEA

Dr. Fatih Birol, International Energy Agency An overview of the 2010 WEO Reference Scenario to 2030 is provided, discussing: changes in primary energy demand; ...

The continuing tug-of -war between emerging market and developed market commodity demand

Jeffrey Currie, Goldman Sachs International There has been a commodity imbalance with oil, which has historically seen global output lower than global producti...

Piloting Low Carbon Economic Zones in China 2009

Antony Froggatt, Chatham House An overview of Low Carbon Zones (LCZ) is provided, setting out what they are, what they can include and the opportunities and in...

China Moving towards low carbon growth 2009

Jim Watson, Sussex Energy Group China’s recent energy trends are described in terms of primary energy demand, energy intensity and power generation capacity,...

World Energy Outlook 2008

Dr Fatih Birol, International Energy Agency The context for the 2008 WEO includes: soaring energy prices to mid-2008, followed by a collapse; the financial cri...

Oil Markets in 2008

Paul Horsnell, Barclays Capital Provides a detailed overview of oil markets in 2008, considering drivers to demand, growth and price. Annual changes to the for...

World Energy Outlook 2007: China and India Insights

Dr. Fatih Birol, International Energy Agency Provides an overview of the WEO 2007 in respect to the IEA’s: Reference Scenario; Alternative Policy Scenario an...
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