
Resources / Webinars

The role of the state in the GB energy market

BIEE webinar presentation slides. The role of the state in the GB energy market

IEA World Energy Outlook 2023

Stéphanie Bouckaert and Peter Zeniewski,

Discussions on REMA: Splitting the Wholesale Market

Webinar presentation from Professor Michael Grubb.

bp Energy Outlook 2023

Presentation slides from the bp Energy Outlook 2023 webinar.

bp Energy Energy Outlook 2022

Richard de Caux bp Energy Outlook 2022 Focus on the energy transition has intensified in recent years. How might this increase in global ambition affect t...

UKERC/ BIEE Webinar: Green Jobs

This webinar hosted in conjunction with UKERC will present key findings and policy recommendations arising from UKERC’s latest project exploring low carbon en...

BIEE Webinar: Behavioural economics, energy and climate policy: Lessons from the last three decades

Professor Luis Mundaca, Lund University There has been growing scientific and policy attention on the role of behavioural economics to advance energy and clima...

Shell Energy Transformation Scenarios

Shell’s new long-horizon scenarios explore three possible pathways and implications for energy transitions and the impact on climate.

The Sixth Carbon Budget and BEIS

Alec Waterhouse, Head of Modelling, Dept for BEIS, explores possible policy and technology ideas to achieve net zero emissions by 2050.

UK ETS for Net Zero Policy

Vivienne Geard,  BEIS’s Deputy Director for Carbon, Hydrogen and Industry Analysis,  on her team’s work on establishing the UK ETS and its role in decarbo...

Carbon Policy in an Net Zero World

Dr. Danial Sturge, Energy Policy Advisor at Energy Systems Catapult,  on approaches to carbon policy in decarbonising the whole economy.

The CCC’s Sixth Carbon Budget

CCC’s Chief Executive Chris Stark  explores the journey from here to Net Zero, and answers the crucial question, ‘What next?’
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