
Resources / Transport

The energy and economic impacts of the EV transition: UK case study

Jaime Nieto1, Paul Brockway1, Marco Sakai2 and John Barrett1 1University of Leeds, UK, 2University of York, UK Motivation: Alongside the global transi...

E-carsharing: would shared e-cars foster or impede the integration of variable renewables?

Adeline Guéret1,2, Wolf-Peter Schill1 and Carlos Gaete-Morales1 1Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW Berlin), Germany, 2Technische Universitä...

Role of data and digitalisation policy mixes in the UK’s smart and flexible electric-mobility transition

Aslı Ateş1, Katherine Lovell1 and Karoline Rogge1,2 1University of Sussex, UK, 2Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI, Germany Back...

Hard to Abate Sectors Vivid Economics

Alex Kazaglis Principal  Vivid Economics

Lifting the lid on Net Zero

Chris Stark, Chief Executive, The Committee on Climate Change Chris will outline the Committee on Climate Change’s advice to Government on achieving Net-Zero...

The role of innovation in battery development and the uptake of EVs

Neil Morris, CEO, The Faraday Institution A recent study to identify the maximum opportunity for electric vehicle and battery cell production concluded that de...

Fuelling our road revolution with renewable energy

  and how innovation is putting customers in control and unlocking grid flexibility Fiona Howarth, CEO, Octopus Electric Vehicles

Smart Controls – Unlocking the Value of Consumer Flexibility

Colin Calder, CEO, PassivSystems

Regulation Risk and Platform Transition

Philip New, CEO, BP Alternative Energy  

Decarbonising surface transport in 2050

Mr Eric Ling, Committee on Climate Change This paper sets out a scenario for decarbonisation of surface transport between 2012 and 2050 consistent with the obj...

Transport 2050: the potential role of hydrogen

Professor Paul Ekins, UCL Bearing in mind that transport is part of the wider energy system, scenarios and models to 2050 can help examine a range of potential...

The Role of Biofuels in Transport

James Primrose, BP Biofuels There are a range of factors that impact on the effectiveness of different fuel use in transport, with liquid fuels generally being...
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