
Resources / Research papers

Considering the Sixth Carbon Budget as a case study for an NDC – a strategic look at COP26

The Committee on Climate Change (CCC) published its advice on the Sixth Carbon budget (2033-2037) last December, providing the analytical underpinning for the U...

Citizen participation: promoting or prohibiting a green recovery and just transition?

The panel discussion contributes to the theme: Consumers & energy publics: public attitudes and acceptance, social movements, workers, civil society organizatio...

Expanding the World’s Natural Gas Pipeline Networks: Economics and Geopolitics

Tatiana Mitrova, SKOLKOVA Business School Expanding the World's Natural Gas Pipeline Networks: Economics and Geopolitics

Climate Change Scenarios

Prof Jim Skea,   IPPC IPCC Special Report on Global warming of 1.5°C

Do people matter? Can we get to a low carbon, secure and affordable system without their engagement?

Richard Hoggett, University of Exeter The energy system is entering a period of fundamental change, in respect to supply, demand and control systems, mainly dr...

Community Energy: A New Democratised Energy System?

Helen Roby; Coventry University Introduction The UK energy sector has been one of large-scale energy production, with households viewed as passive consumers at...

Unlocking the benefits to end consumers

Nicholas Rubin, ELEXON Ltd ELEXON recognises that how electricity is used is radically changing and that end consumers are being presented with more and more o...

Continuity and Disruption in UK Energy System Change: Mapping Expert Differences – and Understanding their Implications

Mike Kattirtz, University of Edinburgh Energy systems globally are undergoing dramatic changes, and many observers anticipate accelerated changes in the years ...

The role of utilities in enabling prosumers and flexible distributed energy resources

Daniel Quiggin, Chatham House This paper explores how utilities could transform as the electricity system undergoes a second phase of transformations and the b...

BEIS Heat Networks Consumer Survey

Philip Cole, BEIS The Department of Business Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) are supporing investment in heat networks as a means of decarbonising heatin...

The use of consumer data for optimizing smart grids for electricity and district heating

Carl Dalhammar, Lund University The Smart Cities Accelerator (SCA) project is an InterReg project that involves a number of Swedish and Danish municipalities a...

Experimenting with Heat Plans to discover how to help businesses and governments harness energy services to build an energy system people will want to pay for

Matthew Lipson, Energy Systems Catapult There is a growing consensus that we need to put consumers at the heart of the energy system if we are to transform it ...
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