
Resources / Research papers

The Political Economy of Energy Regulation in the UK 1945-2007 – Paradigms and Policy

Dr Shane Fudge, University of Surrey This paper considers the current and historical debate that has taken place around energy policy and government regulati...

A distinctive Energy Policy for Scotland?

Professor Peter McGregor, Department of Economics, University of Strathclyde  The objective of this paper is to explore the extent to which there has emerge...

The role of public policy and its relation to private sector investment in driving innovation for a low carbon and secure UK electricity system- a Historical Perspective

Mr Nick Hughes, King's College London The configuration of technologies and infrastructure which currently supports the UK electricity system owes much to th...

Fostering the development and deployment of low carbon technologies: Lessons from the Carbon Trust

Mr Florian Kern, SPRU, University of Sussex  UK policy-makers are increasingly confronting the challenge of restructuring energy systems into more sustainab...

Expanding the System: Regulation and New Transmission Capacity for Renewables Connection in the UK

Dr Bridget Woodman, University of Exeter, Cornwall campus  New transmission capacity will be needed to allow the connection of the renewables generation req...

Energy and carbon scenarios of China for the 21st Century

Dr Tao Wang, Sussex Energy Group and Tyndall Centre  China's economy has expanded rapidly during the last two decades at nearly 10% per year. This has lead ...

Analysis of hydrogen infrastructure development in the UK: How does the scale vary across different infrastructure options?

Dr Nazmiye Balta-Ozkan, Policy Studies Institute  Hydrogen (H2) technologies and infrastructures can play significant roles in meeting the objectives of the...

Analysing Carbon Markets as Instituted Processes of Exchange

 John Broderick, Tyndall Centre  Markets are not natural, in the sense that they are pre-existent and external to society, neither do they arise spontaneou...

Decentralisation Issues: Decentralised Energy Potential

Dr. Douglas Parr, Greenpeace UK Transmission and distribution are a significant part of UK electricity costs and aging infrastructure requires investment. Dece...

Transport: Contracting UK carbon emissions: implications for UK aviation

Alice Bows, University of Manchester Stabilising atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations at or below 550ppmv is widely believed to be necessary to avoid ‘d...

Transport: Vehicle Ownership and Income Growth, Worldwide: 1960-2030

Joyce Dargay, Leeds University The speed of vehicle ownership expansion in emerging market and developing countries has important implications for transport an...

High Energy Prices and the World Economy

Christopher Allsopp, Oxford Energy Institute The relationship between energy prices and the world economy is examined. World growth has been strong and benign ...
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