
Resources / Research papers

Heat delivery in a low carbon economy

Mr Jamie Speirs, Imperial College London The delivery of heat to end users is a strategically important part of any transition to a low carbon economy. Recent ...

Energy efficiency in Liberalised energy markets – implications for a low carbon futur

Nick Eyre University of Oxford Full liberalisation of retail gas and electricity markets in Great Britain was implemented in 1998. At the time, it was recognis...

A Technological Innovation System Analysis of the UK Wave Energy Sector using SNA

Mr Angus Vantoch-Wood, University of Exeter A recent POST report on the UK marine energy sector has noted that device developer concerns regarding IP have resu...

Can UK Electricity Markets Deliver A Low Carbon Future?

Dr John Rhys, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies The UK electricity market was designed to satisfy the technical requirement to supply a non-storable commodit...

Effectiveness and economic efficiency of support mechanisms for private sector investment in renewable generation technologies

Mr Jostein Kristensen  The recent proposal for a Renewables Directive  from the European Commission has set a target on the UK to source 15% of total energy ...

To what extent can non-price/income instruments influence the demand for energy?: A longitudinal state-space analysis of the UEDT from a panel of 17 OECD countries.

Mr David Broadstock, Surrey Energy Economics Centre   The demand for energy is not simply a function of price and income, but can be shown in many cases to ...

Shell’s World Energy Mode

Mr Martin Haigh, Shell  Every five years or so, Shell conducts a major scenario study to look at alternative futures for the world's energy system.  Over t...

BERR Energy Group’s Long Term Scenarios and analysis underpinning the 2008 Nuclear White Paper

Mr Stephen Green, BERR  The effects of today’s energy policy will be seen long into the future. BERR Energy Group Scenarios has developed scenarios to aid...

Energy-capital substitution and the rebound effect

Mr Steve Sorrell, Sussex Energy Group, SPRU, University of Sussex  A long-standing controversy within energy economics is whether energy and capital may be ...

Regulating energy suppliers to deliver energy demand reduction

Dr Nick Eyre, Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford  Regulation of energy companies to provide energy efficiency improvements for their custome...

Building Market Transformation: transforming markets from the inside

Mark Hinnells, Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford Buildings account for 47% of UK carbon emissions. Building Market Transformation is explo...

Transition pathways for a low carbon energy system in the UK: assessing the compatibility of large-scale and small-scale options

Dr Tim Foxon, University of Leeds  This paper will describe initial work on transition pathways for a low carbon energy system in the UK, being pursued in a...
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