
Resources / Research papers

An innovative model-based approach to CO2 marginal abatement cost

Mr Fabian Kesicki, UCL Energy Institute Policy makers in the UK as in many countries around the world are confronted with the task of how to reduce carbon emis...

Vertical integration in bio ethanol industry: security of supply and market access in fuel-ethanol value chain

Mr Jin Hooi Chan, Judge Business School, University of Cambridge The global bioethanol industry expands rapidly with an average growth rate of 15% annually dur...

Nuclear Energy Policy in the European Union: The Case of Romania

Mr Raphael Heffron, University of Cambridge This research assesses the formulation of nuclear energy policy in the European Union (EU) directly focusing on Rom...

BERR Energy Group’s Long Term Scenarios and analysis underpinning the 2008 Nuclear White Paper

Mr Stephen Green, BERR  The effects of today’s energy policy will be seen long into the future. BERR Energy Group Scenarios has developed scenarios to aid...

Energy-capital substitution and the rebound effect

Mr Steve Sorrell, Sussex Energy Group, SPRU, University of Sussex  A long-standing controversy within energy economics is whether energy and capital may be ...

Regulating energy suppliers to deliver energy demand reduction

Dr Nick Eyre, Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford  Regulation of energy companies to provide energy efficiency improvements for their custome...

Building Market Transformation: transforming markets from the inside

Mark Hinnells, Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford Buildings account for 47% of UK carbon emissions. Building Market Transformation is explo...

Transition pathways for a low carbon energy system in the UK: assessing the compatibility of large-scale and small-scale options

Dr Tim Foxon, University of Leeds  This paper will describe initial work on transition pathways for a low carbon energy system in the UK, being pursued in a...

UK Renewable Heat Policy: Lessons from Renewable Electricity Policy

Peter M. Connor  University of Exeter According to figures presented by the UK’s Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform (BERR) in 2007,...

Energy security and climate change: Conflicting or complementary energy policy objectives?

Gordon MacKerron Raphael Sauter University of Sussex SPRU     Energy security and climate change have become core energy policy objectives. Despite ar...

Effectiveness and economic efficiency of support mechanisms for private sector investment in renewable generation technologies

Mr Jostein Kristensen  The recent proposal for a Renewables Directive  from the European Commission has set a target on the UK to source 15% of total energy ...

To what extent can non-price/income instruments influence the demand for energy?: A longitudinal state-space analysis of the UEDT from a panel of 17 OECD countries.

Mr David Broadstock, Surrey Energy Economics Centre   The demand for energy is not simply a function of price and income, but can be shown in many cases to ...
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