
Resources / Research papers

Addressing leakage in the EU ETS: Results from the CASE II model

Dr Stéphanie Monjon, CIRED The European Union Emission Trading System covers CO2 emissions from electricity generation and heavy industry. Industry representa...

Governing Energy Networks For a Low Carbon Economy

Mr Ronan Bolton, University of Leeds Achieving medium and long term carbon emissions reduction targets will necessitate a radical shift in the way electricity ...

Regulating Energy Networks to facilitate the Transition in the Energy Industry

Dr Machiel Mulder, Netherlands Competition Authority NMa The growing attention for the environmental effects of using (fossil) energy calls for an evaluation o...

An innovative model-based approach to CO2 marginal abatement cost

Mr Fabian Kesicki, UCL Energy Institute Policy makers in the UK as in many countries around the world are confronted with the task of how to reduce carbon emis...

Vertical integration in bio ethanol industry: security of supply and market access in fuel-ethanol value chain

Mr Jin Hooi Chan, Judge Business School, University of Cambridge The global bioethanol industry expands rapidly with an average growth rate of 15% annually dur...

Nuclear Energy Policy in the European Union: The Case of Romania

Mr Raphael Heffron, University of Cambridge This research assesses the formulation of nuclear energy policy in the European Union (EU) directly focusing on Rom...

Funding nuclear power and radioactive waste

Professor Gordon MacKerron, SPRU, University of Sussex The UK Government expects substantial new investment in nuclear power as part of its approach to reducin...

The Carbon Reduction Agenda and UK Nuclear Energy Policy

Mr Jonathan Cooper, University of Central Lancashire The relatively low carbon footprint of nuclear energy development, when compared to fossil fuel alternativ...

Measuring the Contribution of New and Renewable Energy R&D to Slowing Down CO2 Emissions in Taiwan with an Integrated Modelling Approach

Professor Shih-Mo Lin, Chung Yuan Christian University, Taiwan Energy and environmental issues have become increasingly important over the past decade. Concern...

OECD-Europe Natural Gas Demand: A Structural Time Series Analysis

Mr Zafer Dilaver, Surrey Energy Economics Centre, University of Surrey This research investigates the relationship between OECD-Europe natural gas consumption,...

Quantifying Exports and Minimising Curtailment: From 20% to 50% Wind Penetration in Denmark

Mr Andrew Smith, London Analytics Denmark is frequently held up as a case study of a grid successfully integrating a wind penetration of 20%. Conversely, claim...

Lights, camera, action! Stages of behavioural change and the impact of the climate change film The Age of Stupid

Ms Rachel Howell, The University of Edinburgh Faced with the failure of traditional information campaigns to influence energy-related behaviour, concerned indi...
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