
Resources / Research papers

Effectiveness of Feed-In Tariff Schemes for Solar PV: The Miracle Case of Italy

Mr Piergiorgio Chelucci, KEMA In the past two years PV technology has achieved an incredible expansion in the Italian electricity sector, with an astonishing 9...

Wind farm portfolios

We model the financial performance of portfolios of wind farms located around Great Britain in the early 2020s.  We measure the expected annual profits and the...

Co-movements between carbon, energy and financial markets. A multivariate GARCH approach

Mr Nicolas Koch, University of Hamburg This paper jointly investigates time-variations in carbon-energy market and carbon-financial market co-movements, taking...

Cumulative Carbon Emissions and Climate Change

Dr John Rhys, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions are essentially cumulative in the earth's atmosphere.  The thesis of this pap...

Carbon Taxation if Liquefied Coal will (not) Substitute Oil and Gas

Mr Florian Habermacher, Inst. of Intl. and Applied Econ. Research, Uni. of St.Gallen Current and conceivable near-term climate protection measures are regional...

Germany´s energy transition and its effect on European electricity spot markets

Mrs Melanie Houllier, Cass Business School, City University London This paper empirically examines the economic impact of electricity generated by renewable en...

Market Integration, Efficiency and Interconnectors: The Irish Single Electricity Market

Mr Rabindra Nepal  The creation of a common and integrated market for electricity was and still is a major goal of the European Commission (EC). The Commissio...

Estimating Direct and Indirect Rebound Effects for UK Households

Dr Mona Chitnis, University of Surrey Policymakers expect improved energy efficiency to play a key role in reducing GHG emissions. However, the energy and emis...

The impact of future heat demand pathways on the economics of low carbon heating systems

Mr Robert Sansom, Imperial College The demand for heat will have a fundamental influence on all the associated assets required from supply to delivery through ...

Macroeconomic costs and benefits for the EU as a first mover in climate change mitigation: a computable general equilibrium analysis

Professor Pantelis Capros, National Technical University of Athens The paper uses the GEM-E3 global computable general equilibrium model to analyse the costs a...

The path to 2050: strategic insights from modelling the UK energy system

Mr George Day, Energy Technologies Institute The Energy Technologies Institute, a public private partnership between global industries and the UK Government, h...

The Economics of CO2 Sequestration through Enhanced Oil Recovery

Professor Charles Mason, University of Wyoming The process of injecting CO2 into mature oil fields to increase oil production, enhanced oil recovery (EOR), con...
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