
Resources / Research papers

Market Integration, Efficiency and Interconnectors: The Irish Single Electricity Market

Mr Rabindra Nepal  The creation of a common and integrated market for electricity was and still is a major goal of the European Commission (EC). The Commissio...

Valuation of Interconenctor Transmission Rights – Do Auction Prices Reflect Option Values?

Ms Celine McInerney, University College Cork In electricity markets, interconnectors can be viewed as spread options on the spot prices of electricity between ...

The Potential Impact on Europe of Russia’s Evolving Domestic Gas Market

Dr James Henderson, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies Historically Russia, and particularly Gazprom, has relied on gas exports to Europe to subsidise low dom...

Unconventional gas – A review of estimates

Mr Jamie Speirs, Imperial Centre for Energy Policy and Technology (ICEPT) The future potential for unconventional gas production remains contentious, with ques...

A Mediterranean electricity co-operation strategy: Vision and rationale.

Dr Alessandro Rubino, ENEL Foundation Energy markets, and electricity markets in particular, are increasingly interconnected and interrelated, both physically ...

Spatial Panel Data Models and Fuel Demand in Brazil

Dr Gervasio Santos, Federal University of Bahia The objective of this paper is to estimate the price and income elasticity for gasoline and ethanol in the fuel...

Third Party Access to Infrastructure and the Future Recovery of Oil and Gas Reserves in the UKCS

Professor Alexander Kemp, University of Aberdeen The importance of ensuring effective mechanisms to allow third-party access to infrastructure in the Unite...

Crude oil futures markets: Does NYMEX trade and the decoupling of WTI and Brent affect ICE trade?

Professor Ronald Ripple, Curtin University This paper examines the relations between the futures trading activities on the NYMEX and the ICE exchanges, placed ...

Distributed electricity storage – a market failure?

Mr Philipp Grunewald, Imperial College London Electricity markets in the UK have evolved primarily around large scale generators, while networks remain regulat...

Investigating possible bias issues arising from improper use of the internal rate of return when used for decision-making on renewable energy technology investments

Ms Tanja Groth, Aarhus University/Stirling.DK ApS The internal rate of return (IRR) is, together with net present value (NPV), the most commonly used investmen...

Exploring policies for the transition towards electric vehicles

In order to meet the target of 450 ppm CO2-equivalent by 2050, a minimum of 50% energy-related GHG emission reduction needs to be achieved globally. The transpo...

The small scale feed-in tariff in Great Britain : its role in electricity system transition

Mr Jimmy Aldridge, University of Exeter The feed-in tariff for small-scale low-carbon generation was introduced across GB in April 2010 and has resulted in the...
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