
Resources / Research papers

Russian Gas in Asia – A Key Indicator of Russia’s future role in the Global Gas Market

Dr James Henderson (OIES) Russia, and in particular Gazprom, is facing challenges across all the markets for its gas. In Europe, slowing demand after the econo...

Household Demand, Energy Effieciency Improvement and the Rebound Effects

Dr Mona Chitnis, University of Surrey Steve Sorrell, University of Sussex Angela Druckman, University of Surrey Steven Firth, Loughborough University ...

Price discrimination and limits to arbitrage: An analysis of global LNG markets

Dr Robert Ritz, Faculty of Economics & EPRG, University of Cambridge Not so long ago, there was a widespread conjecture that gas prices around the world wo...

Searching for the Green Paradox

Dr Christophe McGlade, UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources   The green paradox suggests that some policies aimed at reducing greenhouse gas (GHG)...

Valuation of Interconenctor Transmission Rights – Do Auction Prices Reflect Option Values?

Ms Celine McInerney, University College Cork In electricity markets, interconnectors can be viewed as spread options on the spot prices of electricity between ...

The Potential Impact on Europe of Russia’s Evolving Domestic Gas Market

Dr James Henderson, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies Historically Russia, and particularly Gazprom, has relied on gas exports to Europe to subsidise low dom...

Unconventional gas – A review of estimates

Mr Jamie Speirs, Imperial Centre for Energy Policy and Technology (ICEPT) The future potential for unconventional gas production remains contentious, with ques...

A Mediterranean electricity co-operation strategy: Vision and rationale.

Dr Alessandro Rubino, ENEL Foundation Energy markets, and electricity markets in particular, are increasingly interconnected and interrelated, both physically ...

Spatial Panel Data Models and Fuel Demand in Brazil

Dr Gervasio Santos, Federal University of Bahia The objective of this paper is to estimate the price and income elasticity for gasoline and ethanol in the fuel...

The implementation of biofuels in Oil Firms; Unlocking a path dependency and steering towards a more sustainable trajectory?

Mr Nelson Mojarro Gonzalez, SPRU, University of Sussex Biofuels can be used either as an additive or as a fuel substitute having different implications for oil...

Decarbonising surface transport in 2050

Mr Eric Ling, Committee on Climate Change This paper sets out a scenario for decarbonisation of surface transport between 2012 and 2050 consistent with the obj...

Effectiveness of Feed-In Tariff Schemes for Solar PV: The Miracle Case of Italy

Mr Piergiorgio Chelucci, KEMA In the past two years PV technology has achieved an incredible expansion in the Italian electricity sector, with an astonishing 9...
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