
Resources / Research papers

Household Demand, Energy Effieciency Improvement and the Rebound Effects

Dr Mona Chitnis, University of Surrey Steve Sorrell, University of Sussex Angela Druckman, University of Surrey Steven Firth, Loughborough University ...

Price discrimination and limits to arbitrage: An analysis of global LNG markets

Dr Robert Ritz, Faculty of Economics & EPRG, University of Cambridge Not so long ago, there was a widespread conjecture that gas prices around the world wo...

Searching for the Green Paradox

Dr Christophe McGlade, UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources   The green paradox suggests that some policies aimed at reducing greenhouse gas (GHG)...

Global Gas Production Networks: the role Liquefied Natural Gas in UK Gas Imports

Dr Gavin Bridge, Durham University A global gas market - characterised by significant inter-regional trade and price convergence - has yet to emerge. Gas flows...

Innovation in the energy sector: advancing or frustrating climate policy goals?

Dr Matthew Hannon, Imperial College London Aidan Rhodes, Imperial College London Matthew Hannon, Imperial College London   The energy sector is...

A New Russian Revolution: Liberalization of LNG Export Market in the Face of Shifting Global Supply

Mr Bennett Resnik, Vermont Law School There remains considerable debate as global warming continues, with an increasing recognition around the globe for the ne...

Liberalisation vs. Decarbonisation: The Effects of EU Renewables and Internal Electricity Market Policies on the Evolution of Fuel mixes and market concentration rates

Dr Frederik Dahlmann, University of Warwick Johan Lindeque, Amsterdam Business School Ans Kolk, Amsterdam Business School Overview The European electricity ...

On the market prospects of long-term electricity shortages

Dr Amela Ajanovic, Vienna University of Technology Reinhard Haas, Vienna University of Technology Overview. The European Commission has set ambitious targets ...

Business model for future electricity distribution networks

Mr Rahmatallah Poudineh, Durham University Tooraj Jamasb, Durham University Electricity Distribution networks are traditionally designed to operate as passive...

The Effects of an Ambitious Danish Energy Policy

Professor Eirik S. Amundsen,University of Bergen, Norway, University of Copenhagen/ Danish Economic Councils As for other EU-countries, Denmark is required to ...

Estimating Economic Values for a Sustainable Energy Supply: A case study in Northern Cyprus

Mrs Mehrshad Radmehr, Newcastle University The aim of this thesis is to explore the use of different stated preferences methods to estimate willingness to pa...

Modelling the Impact of Market Imperfections on Farm Household Investment in Stand-Alone Solar PV

Professor Euan Phimister, University of Aberdeen Euan Phimister, University of Aberdeen Yakubu Abdul-Salam, University of Aberdeen Overview According to the...
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