
Resources / Research papers

Estimating Economic Values for a Sustainable Energy Supply: A case study in Northern Cyprus

Mrs Mehrshad Radmehr, Newcastle University The aim of this thesis is to explore the use of different stated preferences methods to estimate willingness to pa...

Modelling the Impact of Market Imperfections on Farm Household Investment in Stand-Alone Solar PV

Professor Euan Phimister, University of Aberdeen Euan Phimister, University of Aberdeen Yakubu Abdul-Salam, University of Aberdeen Overview According to the...

Demand-Side Management Policy: Failure and Transferability

Mr Peter Warren, UCL Energy Institute Overview: Demand-side management (DSM) policy includes both energy efficiency and demand response and is becoming increa...

Integrating the Social Cost of Power Outages into Reliability Planning

Mr Nelson Jr Enano, IEPI, UCL Australia, University College London Michel Berthelemy, IEPI, UCL Australia, University College London Tony Owen, IEPI, UCL Aust...

How peaking of exergy efficiency may lead to rising energy demand in OECD countries and an underestimate of non-OECD energy consumption growth

Paul Brockway, University of Leeds Timothy Foxon, University of Leeds Julia Steinberger, University of Leeds John Barrett, University of Leeds  ...

Statistical techniques for exploring trends in emissions and energy consumption in developed and developing countries

Mr Robin Smale, Vivid Economics Robin Smale, Vivid Economics Thomas Kansy, Vivid Economics   This paper applies statistical techniques and disc...

Financing Networks in Electricity Sector and Market Liberalisation in South-East Asia

Tue Anh Nguyen, University of Greenwich Overview - Sector liberalization, and the development of renewable energy, have been two of the major policy themes...

Climate Policy in Crisis. The Issues

Dr John Rhys, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies This paper/presentation draws extensively on the presentations and discussions in the 2013 and 2014 series ...

Global Climate Change Mitigation: Burden Sharing

Dr Gabrial Anandarajah, UCL Energy Institute Christophe McGlade, UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources Olivier Dessens, UCL Energy Institute Although...

Russian Gas in Asia – A Key Indicator of Russia’s future role in the Global Gas Market

Dr James Henderson (OIES) Russia, and in particular Gazprom, is facing challenges across all the markets for its gas. In Europe, slowing demand after the econo...

Household Demand, Energy Effieciency Improvement and the Rebound Effects

Dr Mona Chitnis, University of Surrey Steve Sorrell, University of Sussex Angela Druckman, University of Surrey Steven Firth, Loughborough University ...

Price discrimination and limits to arbitrage: An analysis of global LNG markets

Dr Robert Ritz, Faculty of Economics & EPRG, University of Cambridge Not so long ago, there was a widespread conjecture that gas prices around the world wo...
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