
Resources / Renewables

BIEE Conference 2024: National Grid Presentation (Rebecca Sedler)

Presentation delivered at the BIEE Policy Conference 2024 by Rebecca Sedler (Managing Director - Interconnectors, National Grid).

BIEE Conference 2024: CCC Presentation (James Richardson)

Presentation delivered at the BIEE Policy Conference 2024 by James Richardson (Director of Analysis and Acting Chief Executive, Climate Change Committee)....

Modelling the spatial distribution of decentralised renewable energy investment decisions using system dynamics and agent-based modelling approach

Zara Abba and Nazmiye Ozkan Cranfield University, UK Background The path to net zero and universal energy access for 568 million people in Sub-Saharan ...

E-carsharing: would shared e-cars foster or impede the integration of variable renewables?

Adeline Guéret1,2, Wolf-Peter Schill1 and Carlos Gaete-Morales1 1Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW Berlin), Germany, 2Technische Universitä...

Shifting tectonic plates: what role for the UK in the global renewable race between the US and the EU?

Daniele Atzori and Matthew Chadwick Cornwall Insight, UK Background  After the global financial crisis of 2008, capital has been relatively cheap and ab...

CCC Report: Delivering a reliable decarbonised power system

Presentation slides from the CCC report webinar (04.07.2023) on Delivering a reliable decarbonised power system.  Speakers Rachel Hay (Head of Energy Supply...

Fuelling our road revolution with renewable energy

  and how innovation is putting customers in control and unlocking grid flexibility Fiona Howarth, CEO, Octopus Electric Vehicles

Data is the new fuel of the grid, where does it come from and who owns the data?

Lawrence Orsini is the founder of LO3 Energy, a groundbreaking energy and tech company working on innovative new hardware and software products within the emerg...

Consumers at the Heart of the Energy System ? Good Energy

Once upon a time, there was a great storm. It was 1987 and Juliet Davenport was sat in an Oxford University library as a student, pondering climate physics. It ...

Assessment of the innovation potential and possible future costs of energy storage technologies

Mr Oliver  Schmidt, Imperial College London, United Kingdom Dr Iain Staffell, Imperial College London,United Kingdom  Dr Sheridan Few, Imperial College L...

Technology innovation for the future energy system

Chris Laurens, VP Future Energy Technologies, Shell

Innovation: A key enabler? Or a distraction from action?

Jo Coleman, Director Strategy Development, ETI
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