
Resources / Oil

Maximinsing Recovery in a Mature Petroleum Province

Prof Alex Kemp Univeristy of Aberdeen

What do low oil prices mean for the Scottish energy sector ?

Mike Tholen,  Oil and Gas UK

Offshore wind, oil and gas opportunities

Andrew Jamieson, CEO,  Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult

IEA Special Report on Energy and Air Pollution

World Energy Outlook 2016 Special Report on Energy and Air Pollution Energy-related air pollution leads to millions of premature deaths and costs the global eco...

BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2014

Spencer Dale, Group Chief Economist.   Global primary energy consumption decelerated sharply in 2014, even though global economic growth was similar to 2...

The Caspian Region: Changing Geopolitics and Falling Oil Prices

BIEE ran a seminar on March 16  focusing  on the Caspian region and the  development of its  oil and gas markets. Speakers included Prof Yelena Kalyuzhnova ...

BP Energy Outlook 2035

Spencer Dale Group Chief Economist BP plc The Outlook highlights the continuous change in the energy system – the changing fuel mix, the changing patterns of...

BP Energy Outlook 2035

The BP  Energy  outlook 2035  identifies long-term energy trends, building on  the BP  Statistical Review of World Energy, and then develops projections f...

BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2014

The Statistical Review provides an objective global overview of energy production, consumption, trade, reserves and prices. During 2013 the world’s energy ma...

Kazakhstan:Oil and Gas in the 21st Century

BP Energy Outlook 2035

The BP 2035 Energy  outlook  identifies long-term energy trends, building on  the BP  Statistical Review of World Energy, and then develops projections for ...

Redrawing the Energy-Climate Map

Dr Fatih Birol. Chief Economist, International Energy Agency.
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