
Resources / Meetings

National Grid UK Winter Gas Outlook

Robert Gibson, Whole System and Gas Supply Manager National Grid

Hydrogen for Heat Shell

Michael Copson Head of Business Development Shell

Deep decarbonisation scenarios for the UK power sector

Dr. Ing Piera Patrizio, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)

Modelling Decarbonisation: pitfalls and potential

Alec Waterhouse, Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy

Carbon Pricing: Where to from here? How can public opposition be overcome?

Daniel Barry,  Peak Carbon

How to make Carbon Pricing (taxes) acceptable

Maria Carvalho, South Pole Group

Expanding the World’s Natural Gas Pipeline Networks: Economics and Geopolitics

Tatiana Mitrova, SKOLKOVA Business School Expanding the World's Natural Gas Pipeline Networks: Economics and Geopolitics

Climate Change Scenarios

Prof Jim Skea,   IPPC IPCC Special Report on Global warming of 1.5°C

National Grid UK Gas Winter Outlook 2018-2019

Simon Durk, Market Insights Manager, National Grid

BP’s energy outlook and its implications for natural gas

Anne-Sophie Corbeau, Head of Gas analysis, BP

UK & European gas markets: taking stock and looking forward

Chi Kong Chyong, Research Associate, University of Cambridge

Aurora’s “Burn Out” scenario: Implications of rapid digitalisation, electrification and efficiency enhancement for global and UK gas markets

Richard Howard, Research Director, Aurora Energy Research
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