
Resources / Meetings

Oil Market Outlook 2009

Philip K. Verleger, Jr and David Mitchell, University of Calgary This paper provides an alternative view to the book Twilight in the Desert that argued that oi...

Kingsnorth and the Carbon Capture Question

Jim Watson, Sussex Energy Group, SPRU The development of CCS within the UK is discussed in the context of a potential new coal fired plant at Kingsnorth and t...

Delivering Sustainability – The need for energy policy to engage more people than the ‘usual suspects’ – the supply-side

Catherine Mitchell, University of Exeter Sets out the nature of the current energy system in terms of incumbent energy companies and how Government policies su...

Oil, Energy Markets and the World Economy

Christopher Allsopp, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies Currently oil and other commodity prices, volatility, and the international financial crisis are all i...

Winter Gas Outlook National Grid 2008

 Peter Parsons, National Grid Considers the outlook for gas and electricity, and the lessons that have been learnt from the previous winter. This is covered i...

Winter Gas Outlook Prices 2008

David Cox, Pöyry Energy Consulting Provides a detailed analysis of the major drivers to energy prices and the relationship between oil price and the prices fo...

Personal Carbon Trading

Stephen Elderkin, DEFRA The role of personal carbon trading (PCT) is discussed in relation to emissions from leisure, aviation, personal car use, electricity, ...

Towards a Sustainable Transport System 2008

Adrian Gault, Department for Transport The context for sustainable transport is set out in respect to UK CO2 emissions and the literature that that has examine...

Oil Markets in 2008

Paul Horsnell, Barclays Capital Provides a detailed overview of oil markets in 2008, considering drivers to demand, growth and price. Annual changes to the for...

World Energy Outlook 2007: China and India Insights

Dr. Fatih Birol, International Energy Agency Provides an overview of the WEO 2007 in respect to the IEA’s: Reference Scenario; Alternative Policy Scenario an...

What’s the Value of an Energy Economist?

Peter Davies, BP plc .  12 November 2007 Provides an overview of the role of energy economics, initially considering existing oil resources and the theories ...

Policies for a Low Carbon UK Energy System

Prof. Dennis Anderson, Imperial College.  3 October 2007 This paper provides an independent assessment of the policies required, and estimated costs for, ach...
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