
Resources / Gas

Global Gas Production Networks: the role Liquefied Natural Gas in UK Gas Imports

Dr Gavin Bridge, Durham University A global gas market - characterised by significant inter-regional trade and price convergence - has yet to emerge. Gas flows...

A New Russian Revolution: Liberalization of LNG Export Market in the Face of Shifting Global Supply

Mr Bennett Resnik, Vermont Law School There remains considerable debate as global warming continues, with an increasing recognition around the globe for the ne...

Business model for future electricity distribution networks

Mr Rahmatallah Poudineh, Durham University Tooraj Jamasb, Durham University Electricity Distribution networks are traditionally designed to operate as passive...

The Potential Impact on Europe of Russia’s Evolving Domestic Gas Market

Dr James Henderson, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies Historically Russia, and particularly Gazprom, has relied on gas exports to Europe to subsidise low dom...

Unconventional gas – A review of estimates

Mr Jamie Speirs, Imperial Centre for Energy Policy and Technology (ICEPT) The future potential for unconventional gas production remains contentious, with ques...

Third Party Access to Infrastructure and the Future Recovery of Oil and Gas Reserves in the UKCS

Professor Alexander Kemp, University of Aberdeen The importance of ensuring effective mechanisms to allow third-party access to infrastructure in the Unite...

Economic impacts of wind generation variability on gas network operation

Dr Modassar Chaudry, Institute of Energy, Cardiff University Large capacity of wind generation is expected to be installed across Great Britain by 2020. Wind g...

The Effect of Royalties on oil and gas production

Dr Clinton Levitt, Copenhagen Business School I develop a structural model of exploration and extraction that can be used to estimate the effectiveness of diff...

The economics of gas storage investment

Ivan Olzack , Oxera Despite longer-term policies to decarbonise the economy, UK dependence on imported gas is growing, driven in large part by gas use in the p...

OECD-Europe Natural Gas Demand: A Structural Time Series Analysis

Mr Zafer Dilaver, Surrey Energy Economics Centre, University of Surrey This research investigates the relationship between OECD-Europe natural gas consumption,...

Prospects For LNG To Contribute To The “20-20-20” Targets As A Transition Fuel

Mr John Holding Given the EU targets - set some 3½ years ago now  – which are to be met by 2020: A reduction in EU greenhouse gas emissions of at least 2...

Exploring the Rationales for Relaxations in the UK Petroleum Fiscal Regime 1980-2000

Dr Hafez Abdo, Nottingham Trent University. The UK petroleum fiscal regime was established in 1975 and tightened up with a number of different new taxes up unt...
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