
Resources / Gas

Offshore wind, oil and gas opportunities

Andrew Jamieson, CEO,  Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult

Chemical Feedstocks Challenge

Stephen Kinder, New Business Development Manager, Shell Chemicals Stephen has 32 years of experience in the chemicals industry since joining Shell Chemicals in...

National Grid : UK Winter Gas Outlook 2016

An interesting winter in prospect ? Simon Durk. Market Insights Manager, National Grid Simon Durk has extensive experience in analytical teams in National Gri...

Heat: a Challenge or Opportunity for Natural Gas ?

Professor Nigel Brandon , Director of the Sustainable Gas Institute , Imperial College Professor Nigel Brandon, OBE FREng, is Director of the Sustainable Gas I...

Why Europe needs natural gas….at least for now

John Fedderson CEO Aurora Energy Research John Feddersen is Chief Executive Officer and a Director of Aurora Energy Research. Prior to co-founding Aurora, John...

IEA Special Report on Energy and Air Pollution

World Energy Outlook 2016 Special Report on Energy and Air Pollution Energy-related air pollution leads to millions of premature deaths and costs the global eco...

The Customer and the Changing Energy Landscape

  In his speech, Iain Conn Centrica CEO talked about the rapidly changing energy landscape ‘a transformational moment for the energy industry, which bea...

Natural Gas – A Stepping stone or an Endpoint?

Professor Nigel Brandon, OBE FrEng, Director of the Sustainable Gas Institute, Imperial College London

Natural Gas in 2015

Emma Wild, Head of Upstream O&G Advisory, KPMG

UK Gas Winter Outlook

Simon Durk Gas Supply Manager National Grid

Natural Gas Stepping Stone or Endpoint ?

Robin Smale Director Vivid Economics

BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2014

Spencer Dale, Group Chief Economist.   Global primary energy consumption decelerated sharply in 2014, even though global economic growth was similar to 2...
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