
Resources / Gas

Technology innovation for the future energy system

Chris Laurens, VP Future Energy Technologies, Shell

Maximising Economic Recovery from the UKCS – are policies and practices sufficiently aligned?

Mike Tholen, Economics Director, Oil & Gas UK 

Price Cycles, Cost Control and the Crisis of Business Models

Prof Jonathan Stern, Chairman, Natural Gas Programme, OIES

EU’s Framework for 2030

Wim Thomas, Chief Energy Advisor, Shell International

Global Oil Majors: A broken business model?

Hootan Yazhari, Managing Director, Head of EMEA Oil & Gas Equity Research, Bank of America, Merrill Lynch

UK Gas: distractions and challenges

Prof. Jonathan Stern, Chairman , Natural Gas Programme,  Oxford Institute of Energy Studies

International pressures in europe’s energy supplies: what are the natural gas issues ?

Prof. Jonathan Stern OIES European external pressures on natural gas markets post-2008:  increasing import dependence of European countries; geopolitical impli...

Pathways to a low carbon economy – the role of natural gas and biofuels

Ben Taylor, Shell To 2050 there is an expectation of rising energy demand, increasing supply pressure and growing impacts from climate change. Shell’s respon...

Delivering Zero Carbon Electricity

Richard Smith, National Grid By 2020, the expectation is that around 20% of the UK’s energy will come from electricity, 40% from gas and 40% from oil. By 205...

Oil Supply Analysis from the Goldman Sachs Top230 Study

Michele Della Vigna, Goldman Sachs International The Top230 study models the largest 230 new oil and gas developments in the world to provide insight into the ...

Energy White Paper 2007: Meeting the Energy Challenge

Vicky Pryce, BERR This provides a brief overview of the 2007 Energy White Paper (EWP), setting the policy and analytical context and some key highlights. The k...

Energy White Paper 2007

“Meeting the Energy Challenge”, the White Paper on Energy, was published on May 23, 2007 following several years of intense energy policy review and debate....
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