
Resources / Finance and investment

Policy Issues for Financiers : EMR Update and EU

Kirsty Hamilton, Low Carbon Finance Group

What Investors Want

Jeremy Tigue, Director, Head of Global Equities, Foreign & Colonial Investment Trust

Financing a changing UK power sector

Neil Bush, Deputy Director and Head Energy Economist, DECC  

Emerging Trends in Energy Technology Venturing

Dominic Emery, VP Long-Term Planning, BP Group  

Perspectives of an Energy Investor

Mathew Rose National Grid .Using National Grid as an example of a major investor in energy infrastructure, the presentation sets out the reasons for the very si...

Policy Drivers for RE Financing

Kirsty Hamilton Low Carbon Finance Group

Clean Energy Investment Trends

Michael Liebreich Bloomberg New Energy Finance .

Delivering the low carbon energy jigsaw

Peter Dodd , Director  of Stakeholder Relations, ETI . The UK  can meet its 2050 carbon target, but  crucially it must be: affordable, sustainable and sec...

Decarbonising the UK Energy Market

 Jonathan Brearley, DECC DECC’s objective is to achieve secure, low carbon, affordable electricity; whilst meeting the UK targets for renewable energy and c...

Clean Energy Investment Trends in 2011

Benjamin Kafri, Bloomberg New Energy Finance Global energy investment in clean energy has increased from around $52bn in 2004 to $243bn in 2010 including: tech...

Will EMR Work?

Rob Gross, Imperial College Based on the government’s goals for EMR, its success could be judged by how effectively the power sector is decarbonised by 2030,...

Leading the way in Asia, Africa and the Middle East

Yulanda Chung, Standard Chartered Bank Sustainability and energy are important considerations in the SCB’s financing decisions, which are more widely governe...
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