
Resources / Energy transition

Path dependence; path creation: roles for incumbents in the low carbon transition?

Peter Pearson, Imperial College London, United Kingdom Several studies have emphasised the path dependent, locked-in states of incumbent high carbon technol...

Does it matter who owns the energy system?

Mr Alaa  Owaineh, University of Surrey  Prof Tim Foxon, University of Sussex, United Kingdom Dr Stuart Galloway, University of Strathclyde, United Ki...

How can power utilities restructure their resource base in order to survive anticipated discontinous change due to technological innovations in the industry?

Mr Morten  Ansteensen, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway Incumbents in the Norwegian power industry are anticipating discontinuous cha...

Towards a Low-carbon Building Sector: The Influence of Skills Provision on Low-carbon Pathway Scenarios

Mrs Heinke Thies, University of Exeter The UK has to fulfil challenging carbon reduction targets set out in the Climate Change Act with an 80% emission reduc...

Global Climate Change Mitigation: Burden Sharing

Dr Gabrial Anandarajah, UCL Energy Institute Christophe McGlade, UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources Olivier Dessens, UCL Energy Institute Although...

Innovation in the energy sector: advancing or frustrating climate policy goals?

Dr Matthew Hannon, Imperial College London Aidan Rhodes, Imperial College London Matthew Hannon, Imperial College London   The energy sector is...
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