
Resources / Energy transition

Green hydrogen in Germany’s energy transition –  a scenario-based energy system modelling

Christoph Kiefer Fraunhofer ISI, Germany Objectives The decarbonization of economies and societies is operationalised i.e., through the energy transiti...

Climate Change Modelling – Mark Howells

Professor Mark Howells,  Loughborough University, an expert in energy systems analysis presents initiatives under the new Climate Compatible Growth programme t...

Do people matter? Can we get to a low carbon, secure and affordable system without their engagement?

Richard Hoggett, University of Exeter The energy system is entering a period of fundamental change, in respect to supply, demand and control systems, mainly dr...

Energy entrepreneurship business models innovation: insights from European emerging firms

Michael Hamwi, ESTIA The power sector stands at the edge of a transition phase in which the liberalization of energy markets has paved the way for a new set of...

Community Energy: A New Democratised Energy System?

Helen Roby; Coventry University Introduction The UK energy sector has been one of large-scale energy production, with households viewed as passive consumers at...

Continuity and Disruption in UK Energy System Change: Mapping Expert Differences – and Understanding their Implications

Mike Kattirtz, University of Edinburgh Energy systems globally are undergoing dramatic changes, and many observers anticipate accelerated changes in the years ...

Mind the Gaps: How will a consumer-centric energy system affect organisational structures, sector skills and careers in energy?

Peter Stewart, Interfax The proposed dialogue session will discuss the impact of the transition to a consumer-centric on organisational structures, career path...

Governing for Innovation Without Disruption in Energy Systems

Prof Catherine  Mitchell, University of Exeter Energy Policy Group, United Kingdom The energy systems of some countries are undergoing rapid change of tech...

An empirical exploration into the role of phase-out policies for low-carbon energy transitions: the case of the German Energiewende

Dr Karoline  Rogge, University of Sussex The energy sector plays a significant role in reaching the ambitious climate policy target of limiting the global t...

Path dependence; path creation: roles for incumbents in the low carbon transition?

Peter Pearson, Imperial College London, United Kingdom Several studies have emphasised the path dependent, locked-in states of incumbent high carbon technol...

Does it matter who owns the energy system?

Mr Alaa  Owaineh, University of Surrey  Prof Tim Foxon, University of Sussex, United Kingdom Dr Stuart Galloway, University of Strathclyde, United Ki...

How can power utilities restructure their resource base in order to survive anticipated discontinous change due to technological innovations in the industry?

Mr Morten  Ansteensen, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway Incumbents in the Norwegian power industry are anticipating discontinuous cha...
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