
Resources / Energy security

Integrating supply and demand: smart systems; storage

Mr Eamonn  Boland, Baringa Partners The GB Power Market is in a period of transition.  The existing infrastructure of large thermal plant connected to hig...

The impact of tightening margins on plant availability

Dr Amy  O'Mahoney, Ofgem, United Kingdom  Mr Kristian Marr, Ofgem,United Kingdom  Shashi van de Graaff, Ofgem, United Kingdom  Mr David Hall,  ...

Geo-economic Conflict between Russia and the EU over the Gas Market Regime

Mr Nikita  Odintsov, Charles University in Prague - Faculty of Social Sciences, Czech Republic Overview of Issue It has become commonplace to say that the g...

Energy Barometer 2016

Deane Somerville, Knowledge Team Manager, Energy Institute The 2016 Energy Barometer Report captures insights from UK energy professionals and enables them to ...

A UK dash for ‘smart’ gas

Ms Samuela Bassi, Grantham Research Institute James Rydge, New Climate Economy Cheng Seong Khor, Petronas University Samuel Fankahuser, Grantham Research Ins...

Transition to a Low Carbon Energy System and Energy Security- Synergies and Conflicts

Dr Bengt Johansson, FOI Daniel K Jonsson, FOI André Månsson, Environmental and Energy Systems Studies, Lund University Lars J Nilsson, Environmental and En...

Vertical integration in bio ethanol industry: security of supply and market access in fuel-ethanol value chain

Mr Jin Hooi Chan, Judge Business School, University of Cambridge The global bioethanol industry expands rapidly with an average growth rate of 15% annually dur...

Energy security and climate change: Conflicting or complementary energy policy objectives?

Gordon MacKerron Raphael Sauter University of Sussex SPRU     Energy security and climate change have become core energy policy objectives. Despite ar...

Exploring the Rationales for Relaxations in the UK Petroleum Fiscal Regime 1980-2000

Dr Hafez Abdo, Nottingham Trent University. The UK petroleum fiscal regime was established in 1975 and tightened up with a number of different new taxes up unt...

Market Reforms and Energy Security for the Poor in Developing Countries

Dr Judith Alazraque-Cherni, Imperial College London  Growing scrutiny of the impact of liberalisation policy on the electricity sector in developing countri...

The Geopolitics of Energy Insecurity: the Challenge of Arctic Hydrocarbons for UK Policy

Dr Richard Powell, University of Liverpool. This paper explores the interrelations of climatic changes and energy security through the shifting geopolitics of ...
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